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Durability of Geosynthetics



The first book available with a state-of-the-art overview of durability of geosynthetics describes all degradation mechanisms of geosynthetics provides an extensive description of all test methods detailed description of the methods to evaluate the results of long term tests, resulting in determination of the reduction factors describes the ways to determine the life time of a geosynthetics to non-polymer experts


  • ISBN: 9789053675991
  • Páginas: 275
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Español
  • Año: 2016

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Durability of Geosynthetics

The first book available with a state-of-the-art overview of durability of geosynthetics
describes all degradation mechanisms of geosynthetics provides an extensive description of all test methods detailed description of the methods to evaluate the results of long term tests, resulting in determination of the reduction factors describes the ways to determine the life time of a geosynthetics to non-polymer experts


This book provides a state-of-the-art review of the life-limiting mechanisms of geosynthetics, the methods available to test and assess lifetime, and the means by which durability can be improved. It provides engineers with the information they need on the durability lifetime, bridging the knowledge gap between them and polymer scientists.
The style of the handbook is deliberately non-technical, in that it avoids chemical formulas and makes widespread use of graphs and photographs. Summaries are provided for most sections. It shows how to predict the service life of geosynthetics based on state-of-the-art knowledge and in some cases provides numerical examples. Engineers can use it to decide what they should specify, scientists are shown how to perform extrapolations and derive reduction factors, and assessors are given a separate section indicating how they should treat the information presented to them, including the uncertainties of the methods of testing and extrapolation. While directed primarily at geotextiles, reference is made to geomembranes and their use in landfills, for which a supplementary chapter is added.

Table of Contents


Guidance for the use of the report

1 Introduction to durability assessment

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Why predict lifetime?
1.3 Design aspects and material properties
1.4 Durability aspects for design
1.5 Durability assessment

2 Introduction of geosynthetic

2.1 Defining the geosynthetic
2.2 Defining the environment
2.3 General durability issues

3 Degradation mechanisms and reduction factors

3.1 Chemical degradation and oxidation
3.2 Hydrolysis: polyesters, polyamides, aramids
3.3 Weathering
3.4 Tensile creep
3.5 Compressive creep
3.6 Mechanical damage, dynamic loading and abrasion
3.7 Durability of reinforcement and drainage applications using reduction factors
3.8 Conclusion


A: Design procedure and design of the geosynthetic
B: List of comparable EN, ISO, ASTM test methods
C: Steps to be taken to assess the durability of geosynthetics in accordance with the latest revision of the EN 13249 – EN 13257 (mid 2012)
D: Accredited institutes
E: Quality control according to harmonised European EN standards
F: Examples of CE Documents
G: Relevant norms and standards

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