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Modeling Steel and Composite Structures



Modeling Steel and Composite Structures explains the computational tools, methods and procedures used to design steel and composite structures. The reference begins with the main models used to determine structural behavior


  • ISBN: 9780128135266
  • Páginas: 115
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2017

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Modeling Steel and Composite Structures


Modeling Steel and Composite Structures explains the computational tools, methods and procedures used to design steel and composite structures. The reference begins with the main models used to determine structural behavior. This is followed by a detailed description of experimental models and their main requirements and care. Numerous simulations presenting non-linear response are illustrated as are their restrictions in terms of boundary conditions, main difficulties, solution strategies and methods adopted to surpass convergence difficulties. In addition, examples of the use of computational intelligence methods to simulate steel and composite structures response are presented.

Key Features

• Includes numerical models based in the finite element method
• Provides numerous simulations, presenting a non-linear response
• Contains examples of the use of computational intelligence methods to simulate steel and composite structures



1. Introduction

1.1. Initial Considerations
1.2.Stuctural Behaviour Models
1.3.Statistical Analysis of Input Data and Results
1.4.Book Scope

2. Experimental Modelling

2.1. Initial Considerations
2.2. Experimental Models
2.3. Load Applications Systems
2.4. Instrumentation
2.5. Data Processing Formatting
2.6. Application Examples
2.7. Final Considerations

3 .Finite Elements Modelling

3.1. Initial Considerations
3.2. Types of Structural Analysis
3.3. Model Analysis
3.4. Parametric Analysis and results Presentation
3.5. Application Examples
3.6. Final Considerations

4. Computational Intelligence Modelling

4.1.Initial Considerations
4.2.Neural Networks
4.3.Evolutionary Computation
4.4.Neuro-Fuzzy Networks
4.5.Final Considerations

5. Final Considerations

5.1. Synthesis
5.2. Additional Condirations



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