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Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures



Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures gives a thorough insight of behaviour of concrete structures when exposed to fire. It mixes theory, including physics and analysed data, with practice and shows design methods for beams, slabs, columns, and walls of fire-exposed cross-sections. It explains the physical processes that concrete materials experience when exposed to high temperatures therefore allowing the engineer to make an informed decision when choosing materials and designing a concrete structure


  • ISBN: 9780727764447
  • Páginas: 234
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2019

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures

Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures gives a thorough insight of behaviour of concrete structures when exposed to fire. It mixes theory, including physics and analysed data, with practice and shows design methods for beams, slabs, columns, and walls of fire-exposed cross-sections. It explains the physical processes that concrete materials experience when exposed to high temperatures therefore allowing the engineer to make an informed decision when choosing materials and designing a concrete structure.
This book includes coverage of

    anchorage of reinforcement at fire
    explosive spalling of high-strength concrete
    how to make fire-safe concrete structures
    temperature movement and calculations
    thermal properties
    effective design for structures of high fire resistance.

Written by an author with over 40 years’ experience in research and practice, this book contains essential  knowledge required by consulting engineers, municipal authorities, producers of concrete elements and details, contractors and students tasked with designing and understanding concrete structures.

Contents About the author

1  Materials

1.1. Fire-exposed materials
1.2. Concrete
1.3. Thermal properties
1.4. Reinforcement

2 Fire exposure

2.1. Fire
2.2. Temperature movement
2.3. Temperature calculation

3 Structural impact

3.1. Fire safety design
3.2. Stress distribution
3.3. Anchorage

4 Design methods

4.1. Beams
4.2. Slabs
4.3. Columns
4.4. Walls
4.5. Connections and frames
4.6. Explosive spalling
4.7. Tunnels

5 Calculation examples

5.1. Beams
5.2. Slabs
5.3. Columns
5.4. Walls

6 Design guide

Basic properties

6.1. Beams
6.2. Slabs
6.3. Columns
6.4. Walls
6.5. Connections and frames
6.6. Explosive spalling
6.7. Tunnels


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