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Soil Reinforcement for Anchor Plates and Uplift Response



Soil Reinforcement for Anchor Plates and Uplift Response presents a comprehensive and rigorous review of the current knowledge in soil improvement for anchor plates, and is based on original research that includes experimental data on how to enhance uplift response of soil anchor plates by using several soil reinforcement methods


  • ISBN: 9780128095584
  • Páginas: 270
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2017

Disponibilidad: 24 horas

Contenido Soil Reinforcement for Anchor Plates and Uplift Response

Soil Reinforcement for Anchor Plates and Uplift Response presents a comprehensive and rigorous review of the current knowledge in soil improvement for anchor plates, and is based on original research that includes experimental data on how to enhance uplift response of soil anchor plates by using several soil reinforcement methods.

Divided into 6 chapters, the author makes an introduction to both Ancho Plates and Soil Reinforcement in chapter one, then providing a comprehensive literature review on the topic in chapter 2. Chapter 3 presents how the experiment was set up, the different types of geotextiles used, and the types of soil tested. Chapter 4 presents experimental data, along with data provided by simulation softwares, including Plaxis. Chapter 5 compares the experimental results to the numerical simulation data, providing researchers and geotechnical engineers with tools they can apply to their own projects. View more >
Key Features

    Presents techniques for improving uplift response by 40% or more
    Discusses the uplift capacity of symmetrical anchor plates in several scenarios
    Provides a complete review of soil reinforcement for anchor plates
    Includes numerical analyses methods for validating experimental test results

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

    1.1 Introduction    

Chapter 2. Literature Review                                                                

    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Review of Previous Experimental Works
    2.3 Review of Previous Numerical Works

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Methods
    3.3 Test Equipment in the Soil Laboratory
    3.4 Uplift test
    3.5 Test Procedure
    3.6 Summary of Experimental and Numerical Steps
    3.7 Soil Properties
    3.8 Anchor Plate Specifications
    3.9 Failure Mechanism
    3.10 Determination of Test Parameters
    3.11 Finite Element Method

Chapter 4. Experimental and Numerical Results

    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Uplift Test: Overview
    4.3 Discussion on Uplift Capacity of Symmetrical Anchor Plates in Non-reinforced Sand
    4.4 Discussion on Uplift Capacity of Symmetrical Anchor Plates in Reinforced Sand
    4.5 Discussion on Uplift Capacity of Symmetrical Anchor Plates in GFR-Reinforced Sand
    4.6 Discussion on Uplift Capacity of Symmetrical Anchor Plates Using the Finite Element Method in PLAXIS
    4.7 Overview of Soil Failure Mechanism Studies
    4.8 Empirical Relationship of Uplift Response in Sand
    4.9 Summary of Results

Chapter 5. Comparison Between Existing Theories and Experimental Works

    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Comparison of the Breakout Factor Between Current Results and Experimental and Predicted Values
    5.3 Conclusion

Chapter 6. Conclusions and Recommendations

    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Shortcomings of the Research
    6.3 Recommendations for Future Research

Appendix A. Grid Fixed Reinforcement Design in ANSYS

    Static Structural

Appendix B. Data and Results

Appendix C. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Author’s Empirical Formula

Appendix D. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on Balla’s Theory (1961) in Loose Sand

Appendix E. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on Balla’s Theory (1961) in Dense Sand

Appendix F. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Meyerhof and Adams Theory (1968) in Loose Sand

Appendix G. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Meyerhof and Adams Theory (1968) in Dense Sand

Appendix H. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on Vesic’s Theory (1971) in Loose Sand

Appendix I. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on Vesic’s Theory (1971) in Dense Sand

Appendix J. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Rowe and Davis Theory (1982) in Loose Sand

Appendix K. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Rowe and Davis Theory (1982) in Dense Sand

Appendix L. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Murray and Geddes Theory (1987) in Loose Sand

Appendix M. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Murray and Geddes Theory (1987) in Dense Sand

Appendix N. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Dickin and Laman Findings (2007) in Loose Sand

Appendix O. Variation of Breakout Factor With Embedment Ratio Based on the Dickin and Laman Findings (2007) in Dense Sand

Appendix P. Regression and Analysis


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