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Prestressed Concrete Bridges



This book was written to make the material presented in my book, Stahlbetonbrucken, accessible to a larger number of engineers throughout the world. A work in English, the logical choice for this task, had been contemplated as Stahlbetonbrucken was still in its earliest stages of preparation.


  • ISBN: 9783034899208
  • Páginas: 555
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2011

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Prestressed Concrete Bridges

This book was written to make the material presented in my book, Stahlbetonbrucken, accessible to a larger number of engineers throughout the world. A work in English, the logical choice for this task, had been contemplated as Stahlbetonbrucken was still in its earliest stages of preparation. The early success of Stahlbetonbrucken provided significant impetus for the writing of Prestressed Concrete Bridges, which began soon after the publication of its predecessor. The present work is more than a mere translation of Stahlbetonbrucken. Errors in Stahlbetonbrucken that were detected after publication have been corrected. New material on the relation between cracking in concrete and corrosion of reinforce­ ment, prestressing with unbonded tendons, skew-girder bridges, and cable-stayed bridges has been added. Most importantly, however, the presentation of the material has been extensively reworked to improve clarity and consistency. Prestressed Concrete Bridges can thus be regarded as a thoroughly new and improved edition of its predecessor.


1  Historical Overview
2  Economy and Aesthetics

2.1  Design Objectives
2.2. Economy
   2.2.1.Life-Cycle Costs
   2.2.2.Construction Costs
   2.2.3.Preliminary Estimates of Superstructure Costs
2.3. Aesthetics

3  Materials and Actions

3.1. Materials
    3.1.1. Concrete
    3.1.2. Reinforcing Steel
    3.1.3. Prestressing Steel
3.2. Actions
    3.2.1. Actions
    3.2.2. Prestressing
    3.2.3. Restrained Deformations

4  Fundamentals of Analysis and Design

4.1. Design for Safety and Serviceability
    4.1.1 Safety
    4.1.2. Serviceability
4.2. Calculation of Sectional Forces
    4.2.1. Fundamentals
    4.2.2. Sectional Forces Due to loads,Prestressing,and Restrained Deformations
4.3. Calculation of the resistance of the Cross-Sections
    4.3.1 Fundamentals
    4.3.2.Flexure and Axial Force
    4.3.3 Shear
    4.3.5. Bending Resistance of Slabs and Tensile Resistance Panels
4.4. Safety of Beams,Slabs,and Panels
    4.4.1. Beams
    4.4.2. Slabs
    4.4.3. Panels
4.5. Detailing of Reinforcement
    4.5.1. Anchorage and Splicing of Reinforcement
    4.5.2. Detailing of Reinforcement at Joints of Rigid Frames
    4.5.3. Flow of Forces in Panels
    4.5.4. Flow of Forces in Box Girders and T-Girders
4.6. Prestressing
     4.6.1. The purporse of Prestressing
     4.6.2. Methods of Prestressing
     4.6.3. Post-Tensioning Systems
     4.6.4. Detailing
     4.6.5. Analysis of Prestressed Cross-Sections
     4.6.6. Steel Stresses for Typical Loading States
     4.6.7. Prestressing with Unboned Tendons
     4.6.8. Loss of Prestress
     4.6.9  Prestressing Concepts
4.7 Long-Term Effects
     4.7.1. Fundamentals
     4.7.2. Calculation of Deformations Due to Permanent Load
     4.7.3. Redistribution of Sectional Forces Due
     4.7.4. Redistribution of Stresss Due to Restrained Deformations or Self-Equilibrating states of stess
4.8. Serviceability
     4.8.1. Durability
     4.8.2. Function
     4.8.3. Apperance
     4.8.4. Cracking
     4.8.5. Deformations
     4.8.6. Vibrations

5  Analysis and Design Superstructures

5.1. Structural Models and Load Distribution
     5.1.1. General Ideas
     5.1.2. Torsion and Introduction of Loads in Single-Cell Box Girders
     5.1.3. Torsion and Eccentric Loads in Double T Girders
     5.1.4. Structural Models for Bridge Superstructure
5.2. Structural Function of Cross-Section Components
5.3. Analysis and Design of Cross-Section Componets
     5.3.1. Deck Slab
     5.3.2. Webs
     5.3.3. Bottom Slab
     5.3.4. Diaphragms

6  Accessories

6.1. Bearings
     6.1.1. General Remarks
     6.1.2. Structural Function of Bearing
     6.1.3. Superstructure Displacement
     6.1.4. Bearing Layout
6.2. Expansion Joints
6.3. Drainage and Anchorage of Guardrails
     6.3.1. Drainage
     6.3.2. Anchorage of Guardails
6.4. Waterproofing and Wearing Surfaces

7 Design and Construction of Special Bridge Type

7.1. Overview
7.2. Conventional Cast-in-Place Girder Bridges
     7.2.1. Conceptual Design
     7.2.2. Design of the Cross-Section
     7.2.3. Prestressing Concepts
     7.2.4. Preliminary Design
     7.2.5. Tendon Layout
     7.2.6. Incrementally Launched Bridges
7.3. Girder Bridges with Precast Elements
     7.3.1. Conceptual Design
     7.3.2. Design of the Cross-Section
     7.3.3. Prestressing Concepts
     7.3.4. Preliminary Design
7.4. Cantilever-Constructed Girder Bridger
     7.4.1. Conceptual Design
     7.4.2. Design of the Cross Section
     7.4.3. Prestressing Concept
     7.4.4. Tendon Layout
     7.4.5. Preliminary Design and Special Design Considerations
     7.4.6. Calculation of Camber and Casting Elevations
7.5. Skew Girder Bridges
     7.5.1. Conceptual Design
     7.5.2. Calculations of the Sectional Forces
     7.5.3. Prestessing Concepts and Tendon Layouts
7.6. Curved Girder Bridges
     7.6.1. Conceptual Design
     7.6.2. Analysis
     7.6.3. Transformation of Torque into Torsional Sectional Forces
     7.6.4. Prestressing
     7.6.5. Prestressing Concept and Tendon Layout
7.7. Arch Bridges
     7.7.1. Conceptual Design
     7.7.2. Design of the Cross-Section
     7.7.3. Prestressing Concept and Tendon Layout
     7.7.4. Preliminary Design
7.8. Frame Bridges
     7.8.1. Conceptual Design
     7.8.2. Prestressing Concepts and Tendon Layout
7.9 Slab Bridges
     7.9.1. Conceptual Design
     7.9.2. Design of the Cross-Section
     7.9.3. Prestressing Concept
     7-9.4. Design
     7.9.5. Reinforcement Layout
7.10. Cable-Stayed Bridges
     7.10.1 Conceptual Design
     7.10.2.Cables and Anchorages
     7.10.3. Analysis and Design
     7.10.4 Stability
     7.10.5.Dynamic Behaviour

8 Analysis and Design of Bridge Substructure

8.1 Piers
    8.1.1. General Ideas
    8.1.2..Second-Orderr Analysis of Slender Reinforcerd Concrete Columns
    8.1.3. Calculation of Ultimate Resistance for flexure an Axial Force
    8.1.4. Flexural Sttiffness of Reinforced Concrete Sections
    8.1.5. Imposed Deformations
    8.1.6. Design at Ultimate Limit State
    8.1.7. Use of Design Aids
    8.1.8. Special Cases
    8.1.9. Flexible Systems
8.2. Foundations
    8.2.1. General Remarks
    8.2.2. Spread Footings
    8.2.3. Shaft Foundations
    8.2.4. Cofferdams
    8.2.5. Pile Foundations

Appendix Diagrams for the design of Slender Colums

A1. Use of Diagrams
A2. Notation
A3. Buckling Diagrams
A4  Interatictions Diagrams
A5  K Diagrams for the Reduction of Stiggness Due to CREPPS

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