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Footbridges vibrations desing



Footbridge Vibration Design presents new approaches, numerical tools and experimental tools for assessing and controlling pedestrian effects. Moreover, it includes a number of reference cases dealing with design and control. Focussed on the translation of these findings into practical recommendations,


  • Páginas: 200
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2009

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Footbridges vibrations desing

Footbridge Vibration Design presents new approaches, numerical tools and experimental tools for assessing and controlling pedestrian effects. Moreover, it includes a number of reference cases dealing with design and control. Focussed on the translation of these findings into practical recommendations, guidelines, codes and design tools for the design of new footbridges, it aims to set a standard for footbridge design. This book is intended for civil and mechanical engineers working on footbridges or related infrastructural projects.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Recommendations, guidelines and codes

    European design guide for footbridge vibration, Christoph Heinemeyer, RWTH, Aachen, Germany
    Calibration of the UK National Annex, David Mackenzie, Flint & Neill Partnership, UK
    The influence of dynamics in footbridge design: North American practice, Theodor Zoli, HNTB, USA
    Application of French guidelines in design, Pascal Charles, SETRA, France

Chapter 2: Numerical and experimental and design tools

    Footbridges, numerical approach, Krystof Zoltowsky, Gdansk University, Poland
    Design for dynamic effects in long span footbridges, Angus Low, ARUP, UK
    The role of dynamic testing in the design, construction and long-term monitoring of lively footbridges, Álvaro Cunha, FEUP, Portugal

Chapter 3: Practical experience

    The Simone de Beauvoir Footbridge in Paris. Experimental verification of the dynamic behaviour under pedestrian loads and discussion of corrective modifications, Xavier Cespedes, SETEC TPI, France
    Crowd dynamic loading on footbridges, James Brownjohn, Univ. Sheffield, UK
    Application of tuned mass dampers for bridge decks, Christian Meinhardt, GERB, Germany
    Experience and practical considerations in the design of viscous damper, Philippe Duflot, Taylor Devices, USA

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