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Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability



The contributions deal with the state-of-the-art as well as emerging concepts and innovative applications related to all main aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability.


  • ISBN: 9780415621243
  • Páginas: 800
  • Tamaño: 24x29
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2012

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability

The contributions deal with the state-of-the-art as well as emerging concepts and innovative applications related to all main aspects of bridge maintenance, safety, management, resilience and sustainability. Major topics covered include: advanced materials, ageing of bridges, assessment and evaluation, bridge codes, bridge diagnostics, bridge management systems, composites, damage identification, design for durability, deterioration modeling, earthquake and accidental loadings, emerging technologies, fatigue, field testing, financial planning, health monitoring, high performance materials, inspection, life-cycle performance and cost, load models, maintenance strategies, non-destructive testing, optimization strategies, prediction of future traffic demands, rehabilitation, reliability and risk management, repair, replacement, residual service life, resilience, robustness, safety and serviceability, service life prediction, strengthening, structural integrity, and sustainability.
This volume provides both an up-to-date overview of the field of bridge engineering as well as significant contributions to the process of making more rational decisions concerning bridge maintenance, safety, serviceability, resilience, sustainability, monitoring, risk-based management, and life-cycle performance using traditional and emerging technologies for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society. It will serve as a valuable reference to all involved with bridge structure and infrastructure systems, including students, researchers and engineers from all areas of bridge engineering.


Precast segmental bridge construction in seismic zones 
F. Seible

Renewal and rehabilitation of the Brazilian railway bridge infrastructure 
T.N. Bittencourt, R.M. Teixeira &A.B. Colombo
Operational deformations in long span bridges 
J.M.W. Brownjohn, K.-Y. Koo, A. Scullion & D. List
Wind tunnel: A fundamental tool for long span bridges design 
G. Diana
Pathology, appraisal, repair and management of old prestressed beam and slab bridges 
B.F. Godart
Assessment and retrofitting of existing bridges 
C. Modena, C. Pellegrino, G. Tecchio, F. da Porto, R. Morbin & M. Grendene
Innovative steel bridge girders with tubular flanges 
R. Sause
Remote monitoring: Concept and pilot study 
M. Shinozuka, M. Torbol & K.G. Papakonstantinou
The art of arches 
M.-C. Tang
System design and implementation of structural health monitoring and maintenance management system for marine viaduct bridges 69

Field tests for bridge assessment
Organizers: A. Miyamoto & I. Hakola
Bridge testing, monitoring and condition assessment in Finland 
I. Hakola, P. Hradil & M. Halonen
Field tests for remaining life and load carrying capacity assessment of concrete bridges 
A. Miyamoto
Development of a damage detection system for expansion joints of highway bridges applying acoustic method 
Y. Nishikawa, K. Taniguchi, L.H. Ichinose, S. Tsukamoto &T. Yamagami
Smart system of bridge strain monitoring during construction and service 
P. Olaszek
Investigation of displacements of road bridges under test loads using radar interferometry – Case study 
T. Owerko, L. Ortyl, R. Kocierz, P. Kuras & M. Salamak
Rehabilitation prioritization for Canadian Alaska Highway structures 
P. Phillips & R. El-Hacha
Bridge condition assessment for short and medium span bridges by vibration responses of city bus 
A. Yabe &A. Miyamoto
Rule-type knowledge discovery from field inspection data for highway bridges based on advanced data mining technique 
H. Yagi, A. Miyamoto & N. Tsukamoto
Application of electromagnetic testing to orthotropic steel deck 
T. Yamada, A. Shiraishi, M. Okuno, H. Sugiyama, N. Kanjo, S. Tsukamoto &T. Yamagami

SmartEN ITN – Smart management for sustainable built environment including bridges and structural systems
Organizers: T. Onofriou & R. Helmerich
Power-efficient wireless sensor reachback for SHM 
D. Ampeliotis, N. Bogdanovi´c, K. Berberidis, F. Casciati & R. Al-Saleh
Structural diagnostic via compressive sensing
F. Casciati, L. Faravelli, R. Al-Saleh & K. Hinc
Towards a SHM-based methodology for updating fatigue reliability of orthotropic steel decks
I.F. Alcover, J.E. Andersen, M.K. Chryssanthopoulos & M.I. Rafiq
Low cost wireless sensor networks for continuous bridge monitoring 
B. Han, A. Kalis, P. Tragas, R.H. Nielsen & R. Prasad
Knowledge representation system about existing bridges 
R. Helmerich
NDT-based monitoring of accelerated steel corrosion in concrete 
S.-X. Hong,W.L. Lai, R. Helmerich & B. Milmann
Bi-objective layout optimization of a wireless sensor network for footbridge monitoring 
K. Jalsan, K. Flouri & G. Feltrin
Wisespot, a novel approach for wireless localization of damages in bridges 
A. Kounoudes, M. Milis, T. Onoufriou, R.A. Votsis, A. Kalis, P. Tragas &A.G. Constantinides
Physical characterization of reinforcing bar corrosion in concrete 
L. Llano, M.I. Rafiq & M.K. Chryssanthopoulos
Physical layer network coding for bridge wireless monitoring 
A.M. Mejri, G.R. Rekaya & J.-C.B. Belfiore
SmartEN – Smart management for sustainable built environment including bridges, structures and infrastructure systems 
T. Onoufriou, M.A. Kyriakides, K. Berberidis, M.K. Chryssanthopoulos &A. Kalis
Performance indicators based on structural health monitoring for management of bridges 
A. Orcesi & D.M. Frangopol
Monitoring of bridge using a wireless sensor network based on network coding 
J. Skulic & K.K. Leung
Optimization of wireless sensor locations for SHM based on application demands and networking limitations 
R.N. Soman, T. Onoufriou, R.A. Votsis, C.Z. Chrysostomou & M.A. Kyriakides

Research and applications in bridge health monitoring
Organizers: F.N. Catbas, J.R. Casas, H. Furuta & D.M. Frangopol
Experimental load rating of a steel girder bridge using structural health monitoring and modeling 
E.S. Bell, P.J. Lefebvre, M. Sanayei, J.D. Sipple, M. Iplikcioglu & B.R. Brenner
Bridge condition assessment using digital image correlation and structural modeling 
E.S. Bell, J.T. Peddle &A. Goudreau
Implementation of Robust Regression Algorithm (RRA) to detect structural change using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) data 
F.N. Catbas, M. Malekzadeh & I.-B. Kwon
Indirect structural health monitoring in bridges: Scale experiments 
F. Cerda, J. Garrett, J. Bielak, J. Barrera, Z. Zhuang, S. Chen, M. McCann, J. Kova?cevi´c & P. Rizzo
Bridge pier scouring: A new approach for monitoring. A case in northern Italy 
A. Cigada, S. Manzoni, F. Ballio, G. Crotti, G. Rossi & C. Someda
On the static monitoring of bridges and bridge-like structures 
A.E. Del Grosso
Reliability prediction based on family of models 
H.B. Gokce, F.N. Catbas & D.M. Frangopol
Automation of concrete bridge deck condition assessment and rehabilitation 
N. Gucunski, J. Yi & F.L. Moon
A bridge damage detection approach using vehicle-bridge interaction analysis and Neural Network technique 
H. Hattori, X. He, F.N. Catbas, H. Furuta & M. Kawatani
Structural health monitoring and damage detection using AdaBoost technique 
H. Hattori, M. Gul, F.N. Catbas & H. Furuta
Development of a bridge damage detection approach using vehicle-bridge interaction analysis and soft computing methods 
X. He, F.N. Catbas, H. Hattori, H. Furuta, M. Kawatani, T. Hayashikawa &T. Matsumoto
Distributed sensing for damage localization 
D. Inaudi, R. Belli & D. Posenato
A novel image-based approach for structural displacement measurement 
Y.F. Ji & Q.W. Zhang
Testing and long term monitoring of a pre-cast pre-stressed concrete girder bridge 
N.R. Johnson, S.M. Petroff, M.W. Halling & P.J. Barr
Structural diagnosis of bridges using traffic-induced vibration measurements 
C.W. Kim, R. Isemoto, K. Sugiura & M. Kawatani
Modal parameters identification under multi-operational grades and its application to a cable-stayed bridge 
Y. Liu & H. Li
Theoretical testing of an empirical mode decomposition damage detection approach using a spatial vehicle-bridge interaction model 
J. Meredith &A. González
Investigation of structural health of timber piles supporting aged bridge 
T. Nishikawa, Y. Komatsu, S. Yumoto, T. Yamaguchi, T. Mino &T. Matsumoto
Baseline-less structural health monitoring system based on recurrence quantification analysis 
Y. Nomura, T. Kusaka, D. Morimoto & H. Furuta
One year monitoring of bridge eigenfrequency and vehicle weight for SHM 
Y. Oshima, S. Heng & H. Kawano
Monitoring applications providing long-term benefits to owners 
T. Spuler, G. Moor & R. Berger
First year data mining for vibration based condition monitoring of a cable stayed bridge 
Z. Sun &T. Yan
Update on AAR bridge testing and monitoring 
R.A.P. Sweeney & D. Otter
Ankara-Istanbul Railway High Speed Train Project, construction of viaduct V4 of 2400 meters 
S. Uluöz, S. Düzbasan, M. Camcio?glu & E. Yakit
Application of OBR fiber optic technology in the structural health monitoring of the Can Fatjó Viaduct (Cerdanyola del Vallés – Spain) 
V. Villalba, S. Villalba & J.R. Casas
A comparison of different dynamic characterization methods for a truss bridge 
T.R.Wank, E.V. Fernstrom & K.A. Grimmelsman

Risk based bridge management
Organizer: L. Klatter
Risk Based Inspection (RBI) at Rijkswaterstaat 
J. Bakker & L. Klatter
Application of bridge management system to determine preservation and improvement budgets, meet condition targets, and manage risk for the City of Hamilton 
A. Dalziel, R.M. Ellis, G. Moore & R. Andoga
Inspection method related to structural safety of RC structures 
A. de Boer & N. Booij
SmartBMS – improving bridge inspection accuracy and efficiency using a bridge management system in a smartphone 
R.M. Ellis, C. McElhinney & K. Hong
Incorporating risk and criticality in bridge management decision making and project prioritization 
R.M. Ellis & K. Hong
Development, implementation and application of bridge management in Prince Edward Island 
D.J. Evans & R.M. Ellis
First results of the German BMS – Influence of data availability and quality 
R. Holst
Updating bridge management system in Korea considering recent subjects in bridge management 
J.H. Kim, H.-M. Park, J.S. Kong & K.-H. Park
The use of MINLP to determine optimal preservation strategies for road links composed of pavement sections and bridges 
N. Lethanh & B.T. Adey
Bridge risk management: Back to basics 
P.S. McCarten
Consistency of bridge deterioration rates across agencies 
P.D. Thompson
Risk based bridge planning in Minnesota 
P.D. Thompson, H. Rogers & D. Thomas
Railway bridge risk assessment in Finland 

Reliability analysis of bridge structures
Organizers: F. Schoefs & F. Lanata
Updating the reliability of existing PC bridge girders by incorporating spatial variations 
M. Akiyama, D.M. Frangopol & I. Yoshida
Estimating the remaining service life of a historical railway bridge 
P. Basso, S. Casciati & L. Faravelli
Segmentation and condition rating of concrete bridge decks using NDE for more objective inspection and rehabilitation planning 
N. Gucunski, A. Maher, H. Ghasemi & F.S. Ibrahim
Effect of ASR on steel-concrete bond behavior in the lap-splice region of bridge columns 
Q. Huang, P. Gardoni, A. Pagnotta & D. Trejo
A probabilistic approach for the quantification of structural robustness 
N. Kagho, A. Orcesi & C. Cremona
Reliability analysis of highway bridge structures considering ultimate load effects 
L.A. McCarthy & C.C. Caprani
Reliability-based analysis of the progressive collapse of bridges 
F. Miao & M. Ghosn
Reliability assessment of concrete bridges 
D. Novák, B. Teplý, R. Pukl &A. Strauss
Probabilistic load-modelling and reliability-based load-rating for existing bridges 
S.G. Reid & N. Yaiaroon
Reliability of bridge deck subject to random vehicular and seismic loads through subset simulation 
D. Sen, B. Bhattacharya & C.S. Manohar
Extreme value distribution model of vehicle loads incorporating de-correlated tail fitting and stationary gamma process 
L. Shunlong, L. Hui, Z. Fujian, G. Yiming & Z. Guo
Probabilistic performance assessment of concrete structures subjected to corrosion process 
A. Strauss, R.Wendner, K. Bergmeister, B. Teplý & D. Novák
Detailed comparison between ASR/LFR and LRFR for reinforced concrete highway bridges 
H. Toutanji, D.Wang & R. Vuddandam
Structural reliability analysis of deteriorating RC bridges considering spatial variability 
T.V. Tran, E. Bastidas-Arteaga, F. Schoefs, S. Bonnet, A.J. O’Connor & F. Lanata
Probabilistic seismic response of a bridge-soil-foundation system under the combined effect of vertical and horizontal ground motions 
Z.Wang, J.E. Padgett & L. Dueñas-Osorio
Reliable damage detection and localization using direct strain sensing 
Y. Yao & B. Glisic
Bayesian networks for post-earthquake assessment of bridges 
Y.C. Yue, M. Pozzi, D. Zonta & R. Zandonini

Smart SHM and application to bridge condition assessment and maintenance
Organizers: Y. Zhang, H. Sohn, C.Wang & D. Zonta
Remote guided wave imaging using wireless PZT excitation and laser vibrometer scanning for local bridge monitoring 
Y.K. An, H.M. Song, H.J. Park, H. Sohn & C.-B. Yun
Damage detection for local components of long suspension bridges using influence lines 
Z.W. Chen, S. Zhu, Y.L. Xu & Q. Li
Filtering environmental load effects to enhance novelty detection on cable-supported bridge performance 
E.J. Cross, K.Worden, K.-Y. Koo & J.M.W. Brownjohn
System identification using wirelessly acquired vehicle-bridge interaction data from a highway bridge excited by a moving vehicle 
J. Kim & J.P. Lynch
Sensor driven prognosis scheme based on moment estimator 
Z. Li &Y. Zhang
Develop on-line parameter estimation methods for bridges under changing environment 
C.-H. Loh, M.-C. Chen, S.-H. Chao & C.-H. Li
Long-term monitoring of composite girders using optical fiber sensor 
Y. Oshima & M. Kado
Assessing the value of alternative bridge health monitoring systems 
M. Pozzi &A. Der Kiureghian
Streicker Bridge: A two-year monitoring overview 
D.H. Sigurdardottir, J.P.S. Afonso, D.L.K. Hubbell & B. Glisic
Damage detection on a full-scale highway sign structure with a distributed wireless sensor network 
Z. Sun, S. Krishnan, S.J. Dyke, G. Hackmann, C. Lu, G. Yan &A. Irfanoglu
Decentralized damage diagnosis for beam-like truss structure considering modeling error 
Z. Sun & B. Zhou
Fatigue safety assessment of existing railway steel bridges based on in-situ monitoring data 
C.Wang, S. Yan & L. Hao
Fatigue cracking monitoring and evaluation using smart sensors for steel bridge decks 
C.Wang, L. Tian, B. Fu &Y. Zhang
Wireless crack sensing using an RFID-based folded patch antenna 
X. Yi, Y.Wang, R.T. Leon, J. Cooper & M.M. Tentzeris
Steel bridge fatigue crack monitoring with broadband thin-film acoustic emission sensor 
C. Zhou &Y. Zhang
Piezoelectric-based crack detection techniques of concrete structures: Experimental study 
J.S. Zhu, C.E. Gao & L.K. He
Structural health monitoring-based finite element model of Stonecutters Bridge 
S. Zhu, Y.L. Xu, Y. Zhen, Z.W. Chen, K.Y.Wong & S.L. Li
Combination of sensing techniques to estimate tension and elongation in bridge cable-stays 
D. Zonta, P. Esposito, M. Pozzi, R. Zandonini, M.Wang, Y. Zhao, D. Inaudi & D. Posenato

Monitoring and assessment of bridges using novel techniques
Organizers: A. Strauss & D.M. Frangopol
Experimental study on bridge scour monitoring system 
C.C. Chen, S.C.Wong, K.-C. Chang & C.Y. Lin
Subsequent anchorage of transverse prestressing cables in bridge decks 
Ch. Fust, P. Mark & M.Wolff
Bridge management system: Challenges of adopting a bridge management system appropriate to the needs of a local authority. Example from the United Kingdom 
B. Kamya
Optimized monitoring concepts for arch bridges 
A. Krawtschuk, A. Strauss, K. Bergmeister & R.Wendner
Advantages of radar interferometry for assessment of dynamic deformation of bridge 
P. Kuras, T. Owerko, L. Ortyl, R. Kocierz, O. Sukta & S. Pradelok
Combined use of ground penetrating radar and laser scanner for bridge health assessment 
M. Marelli, G. Lommori & S. Oppioni
Modeling and structural health monitoring of a geriatric signature movable bridge 
E. Minaie, F.L. Moon &A.E. Aktan
Advanced methods for estimating the natural frequency and the damping from monitoring data of structures 
M. Österreicher, A. Strauss & K. Bergmeister
Stress measurement and material defect detection in steel strands by magneto elastic effect.
Comparison with other non-destructive measurement techniques 
A.M. Sarmento, A. Lage, E. Caetano & J. Figueiras
Monitoring based assessment of a jointless bridge 
A. Strauss, A. Krawtschuk, R.Wendner, D.M. Frangopol & K. Bergmeister
Linearity assumptions in design: Soil-structure interaction 
R.Wendner, A. Strauss &T. Zimmermann
Long-time health monitoring system of an in-service concrete cable-stayed bridge 
Y. Zeng, H. Tan, X. Zhang, X. Jiang & X. Shen
Extreme value statistics for the life-cycle assessment of masonry arch bridges 
T. Zimmermann, A. Krawtschuk, A. Strauss & R.Wendner

Life-cycle design and assessment of bridges exposed to corrosion and other hazards
Organizers: F. Biondini, D.M. Frangopol, J. Padgett & A. Palermo
Damage modeling and nonlinear analysis of concrete bridges under corrosion 
F. Biondini & M. Vergani
Life-cycle analysis of bridges considering historic seismic damage and aging 
J. Ghosh, J.E. Padgett & M. Sánchez-Silva
The damage characteristic and repair of the concrete-bridges under severe environment 
S. Kiso, T. Tajiri, H. Miyauchi &A. Takeuchi
Effect of varying surface ageing on frost-salt scaling 
H. Kuosa, M. Leivo, E. Holt & R.M. Ferreira
Impact of corrosion on the seismic vulnerability of multi-span integral concrete bridges 
M. Ní Choine, A.J. O’Connor & J.E. Padgett
Probabilistic estimation of the initial time of corrosion of reinforced concrete components situated in a marine environment 
R.A. Oliveira &T.N. Bittencourt
Life-cycle seismic evaluation of existing reinforced concrete bridges considering corrosion of steel reinforcement 
Y.-C. Ou, A.B. Delima & L. Cute
Life cycle assessment of existing steel bridges considering corrosion and fatigue coupled problems 
A. Pipinato, C. Pellegrino & C. Modena
Structural modeling of corroded reinforced concrete bridge columns 
A.S. Rao, M.D. Lepech &A.S. Kiremidjian
Maintenance optimization of suspender ropes of suspension bridges 
K. Sakai, S. Kusuhara, A. Moriyama & K. Ogihara
Multi-objective cost analysis for bridges considering disasters, bridge form and driving comfort 
Y.Q.Wang, A. Chen, X. Ruan &Y. Li
Effect of corrosion of reinforcement on the coupled shear and bending behaviour of reinforced concrete beam 
W.J. Zhu, R. François & D. Coronelli

Brick and stone masonry bridge safety and durability
Organizers: A. Benedetti & L. Jurina
Patch loading of longitudinally stiffened webs 
A. Benedetti & F. Dall’Aglio
Masonry bridges: Static and dynamic response through reduced scale models 
A. Brencich
Strengthening effectiveness of ancient masonry bridges 
N. Gattesco, R. Franceschinis, V. Kristek, A. Kravtsov & J. R?ímal
Strengthening of arch masonry bridges with “RAM” – Reinforced Arch Method 
L. Jurina
Remedial works and repairs of Prague’s historical Charles Bridge 
V. Kr?ížek, V. Kristek & J. R?ímal
Structural assessment of the railway masonry arch bridge crossing the Reno river in Bologna 
C. Mazzotti, S. de Miranda, G. Castellazzi & F. Carrea
Investigation and upgrading of a historical multispan arch masonry bridge 
An. Paeglitis & Ai. Paeglitis
Static and seismic retrofit of masonry arch bridges: Case studies 
G. Tecchio, F. da Porto, P. Zampieri, C. Modena & C. Bettio

Lifetime design, assessment, and maintenance of super long-span bridges
Organizers: H.-M. Koh, S. Shin, H.-K. Kim & N.-S. Kim
Modeling of truck traffic for long span bridges 
E.-S. Hwang, K.-T. Lee & D.-Y. Kim
Analytical prediction of lateral-torsional buckling of long-span suspension bridge 
H. Katsuchi, H. Yamada & K. Hasegawa
Application of vision-based monitoring system to stay cables 
S.W. Kim, N.S. Kim &Y.-M. Kim
Wireless impedance sensor node for structural health monitoring of cable-anchorage subsystem 
J.-T. Kim, K.-D. Nguyen & P.-Y. Lee
Field loading test for evaluation of load bearing capacity of a cable-stayed bridge 
Y.-M. Kim, S.-H. Shin, J. Lee & J.-H. Jang
A vision-based damage detection of cable exterior in cable-stayed bridges 
J.-J. Lee, K.-D. Kim & H.-N. Ho
Long-term monitoring for dynamic properties on a suspension bridge under wind-induced vibration 
D.U. Park, N.S. Kim, J.H. Cheung & H.-K. Kim
Real-time steel cable NDE for corrosion defects using E/M sensors installed in a cable climbing robot 
S. Park, J.-W. Kim, M.-J. Nam, J.-J. Lee & H.-N. Ho
Buffeting responses of a cable-stayed bridge during the typhoon Kompasu 
J. Park, H.-K. Kim, H.S. Lee, H.-M. Koh & S. Cho
Electromechanical impedance-based health diagnosis for tendon and anchorage zone 
H. Shim, J. Min & C.-B. Yun
Vibration-based BHMS for long-span bridges considering environmental actions 
S. Shin, H. Kim, Y. Kim & J.C. Park
Fatigue analysis of steel box stiffening girders for large-span suspension bridge in its lifetime 
Y. Zeng, H. Tan, X. Li, Z. Xiang & F. Yu

Strengthening of existing bridges with FRP composites
Organizer: C. Pellegrino
Bond of FRP strengthening systems for concrete structures: A round Robin test 
M. Guadagnini, A. Serbescu, A. Palmieri, S. Matthys, A. Bilotta, E. Nigro, C. Mazzotti, G. Sas, B. Taljsten, F. Ceroni, C. Czaderski, S. Olia, Z. Szabo, G. Balazs, J. Barros, I. Costa &V. Tamuzs
Behaviour of FRP confined concrete cylinders under different temperature exposure 
M.N.S. Hadi & B.A. Louk Fanggi
Bond behavior and failure mechanisms of EBR made of UHM carbon fibers 
F. Jesse,W. Stremmel & M. Curbach
Strengthening of multi-storey parking by bridge engineering means 
G. Lagoda, M. Lagoda & J. Ciesla
Comparative behaviour of FRP confined square concrete columns under eccentric loading 
X. Lei, T.M. Pham & M.N.S. Hadi
Influence of the axial stiffness of the reinforcement on the FRP-concrete interface’s fracture energy 
C. Mazzotti
Finite element modelling of beams strengthened with FRP sheets during short and long-term loads 
G. Mazzucco, V.A. Salomoni, C. Majorana & C. Pellegrino
Effect of FRP retrofit interventions on seismic vulnerability of existing bridges 
R. Morbin, E. Casadei, C. Pellegrino & C. Modena
Ultimate limit state of MF-FRP beams 
F. Nardone, G.P. Lignola, A. Prota, G. Manfredi &A. Nanni
Strength and behavior of anchoring devices of CFRP rods for steel girder strengthening 
K. Nozaka, A. Tsukiyama, M. Matsumura, N. Ochi, T. Ishikawa & N. Hisabe
Strengthening of bridges with pretensioned FRP laminates: Experimental investigation and a case study 
C. Pellegrino & G. Giacomin
Open issues in design procedures for FRP strengthening of reinforced concrete bridges 
C. Pellegrino
A new composite section for strengthening orthotropic steel decks 
R. Sarkhosh, A. Romeijn, C.Q. Klap & R. Sterkman
Prediction of the interfacial shear stress with critical stress state criterion for externally bonded FRP-to-concrete substrate 
H. Toutanji, S. Ueno & R. Vuddandam

Steel bridge rehabilitation
Organizer: M. Sakano
Bearing replacement and strengthening of Forth Road Bridge approach viaducts, UK 
B. Colford, M. Chiarello, C. Hendy & J. Sandberg
Study on performance evaluation and maintenance management system of weathering steel bridge 
J. He, Y.Q. Liu, A. Chen &T. Yoda
Development of fatigue test method and improvement of fatigue life by new functional steel plates for welding of trough rib and deck plate of orthotropic decks 
N. Konda, K. Arimochi, M. Nishio, M. Ichimiya, T. Kasugai & S. Kiyokawai
The analysis on the characteristic of fatigue crack in railway plate girder bridge and its retrofit method 
S.J. Lee, K.S. Kyung, H.H. Lee & J.C. Jeon
Fatigue crack repair using drilled holes and externally bonded CFRP strips 
F. Lin, J.G. Sun, H. Nakamura & K. Maeda
Performance and durability verification tests on rationalized joint of precast steel-concrete composite deck for replacement of deteriorated highway bridge slab 
H. Mizuno, H. Kaido, S. Matsui &T. Sugiyama
Steel plate pre-stressing reinforcement for coped steel girder ends 
Y. Nagao, K. Matsumoto, H. Namiki & M. Sakano
Experimental study on high strength one-side bolted joints 
K. Nakajima, H. Suzuki, Y. Kawabe & K. Fujii
Rehabilitation of steel expressway bridge with repeatedly developed fatigue cracks 
H. Nakata, Y. Takamura, K. Tokumasu, M. Kawamura, Y. Adachi & M. Sakano
Health monitoring via horizontal displacement at the end of steel bridge girders 
H. Namiki, T. Kamizono, Y. Otsuka & S. Takahashi
Analysis on deck replacement plans of tied arch bridge with composite girder 
S. Qing-Tian, Z. Ming-gen,W. Chong & D. Bing
Investigation of the fracture surface of a cast iron finger joint 
K. Sakiya, Y. Takamura, T. Yamagami & M. Yamanishi
Rapid emergency replacement of fire-damaged composite bridges using precast decks 
C.S. Shim, C.H. Chung, I.K. Kim &Y.J. Kim
Executive extremely urgent project for the rehabilitation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic of the bridge over Corace river in Gimigliano municipality 
E. Siviero &A. Stocco
Study of the hybrid structures changed from the steel bridges for railroad which considered construction 
N. Taniguchi, M. Hansaka, N. Koide, K. Ohgaki, F. Ohkubo, S. Satake &Y. Sugino
Repair of fatigue cracks on steel plate deck in highway bridges with heavy traffic 
K. Tokumasu, M. Kawamura &T. Nishioka
Development of the hot-spot stress sensor and application to orthotropic steel deck 
T. Uesugi, S.Fujita, S. Tsukamoto, T. Yamagami & M. Sakano
Princess Margaret Bridge rehabilitation 
A.R. Zaki &A.F.M. Girgis

Gusset plates in steel truss bridges:Testing, analysis and monitoring
Organizer: D. Duthinh
Structural health monitoring of a steel railway bridge on the river Suaçuí 
W.S. Assis, L.M. Trautwein, T.N. Bittencourt &A.P.C. Neto
Simplified gusset plate model for failure prediction of truss bridges 
C. Crosti & D. Duthinh
Full scale fatigue testing of original truss members and connections 
R. Helmerich
Inspection strategies to prevent fatigue failure of gusset plates in steel truss bridges 
J. Herter
Quantitative evaluation of digital image correlation as applied to large-scale gusset plate experiments 
M.A. Iadicola, R.S. Zobel & J.M. Ocel

TEAM:A Marie Curie training network on bridge management
Organizer: C. McNally
Evaluation of time-dependent chloride parameters for assessing reinforced concrete bridges 
A. Attari, C. McNally & M.G. Richardson
Prediction of moment redistribution and influence of rotation capacity in reinforced concrete beams 
N. Bagge, C. Pedersen &A.J. O’Connor
Load effect of multi-lane traffic simulations on long-span bridges 
C.C. Caprani, A. Lipari & E.J. OBrien
Comparison of electromagnetic non-destructive evaluation techniques for the monitoring of chloride ingress in cover concrete 
R. du Plooy, S. Palma Lopes, G. Villain, X. Dérobert, B. Thauvin & C. Lestréhan
TEAM – a Marie Curie approach to bridge management 
C. McNally
Estimation of lifetime maximum distributions of bridge traffic load effects 
E.J. OBrien, D. Hajializadeh, E. Sheils & B. Enright
Fatigue assessment of bridges using realistic train models 
A. Ottosson, C. Pedersen & A.J. O’Connor
A monitoring system for determination of real deck slab behaviour in prestressed box girder bridges 
M.A. Treacy & E. Brühwiler
Extrapolation of traffic data for development of traffic load models: Assessment of methods used during background works of the Eurocode 
X.Y. Zhou, F. Schmidt & B. Jacob

Energy harvesting in bridges and transportation infrastructure networks
Organizer: K. Gkoumas
Vibration energy harvesting devices based on magnetostrictive materials 
D. Davino, C. Visone &A. Giustiniani
Nonlinear vibration harvesting for extended structures monitoring 
L. Gammaitoni, H. Vocca, I. Neri, F. Orfei & F. Travasso
Energy harvesting in bridges and transportation infrastructure networks: State of art, recent trends and future developments 
K. Gkoumas
Adaptive MR damper based control system 
X.C. Guan, Y.H. Huang, H. Li & J.P. Ou
A self-powered vibration monitoring and control system for stay cables: Numerical study 
S. Zhu,W.A. Shen & J. Li

Vulnerability of bridges to fire and explosion
Organizer: L. Giuliani
Consequence-based robustness assessment of bridge structures 
F. Brando, L. Cao, P. Olmati & K. Gkoumas
Evaluation of structural risk for bridges under fire
F. Gentili & F. Petrini
Vulnerability of bridges to fire 
L. Giuliani, C. Crosti & F. Gentili
Evacuation of mixed populations from trains on bridges 
C. Kindler, J.G. Sørensen &A.S. Dederichs
Adapting OpenSees to simulate bridge structures in fire 
A. Usmani, Y. Jiang, J. Jiang, L. Jiang & S.Welch

Advances on structural robustness and redundancy of bridges
Organizers: F. Biondini & D.M. Frangopol
Evaluation of bridge redundancy under lateral loads 
G. Anitori, J.R. Casas & M. Ghosn
Enhancement of bridge redundancy to lateral loads by FRP strengthening 
G. Anitori, J.R. Casas, M. Ghosn & S. Jurado
Lifetime structural robustness of concrete bridge piers under corrosion 
F. Biondini & D.M. Frangopol
Robustness assessment of a corroded RC bridge deck 
E.S. Cavaco, L.A.C. Neves & J.R. Casas
Robustness assessment of suspension bridges 
M. Haberland, S. Haß & U. Starossek

Light rail bridges in Chongqing, China
Organizer: M.-C. Tang
Design of CaiJia rail bridge over JiaLing river in CongQing 
B. Liu, Y. Qi & L. Lin
Design of the Chongqing CaiyuanbaYangtze River Bridge for dual highway and rail traffic 
A.-S. Liu & Z.-G. Jing
Wind-resistant study on Chongqing ChaotianmenYangtze Bridge – The longest arch bridge in the world 
C.Wang, Z. Li & P. Deng
Development of rail transit in mountainous city of Chonqing, China 
J.-H. Zhong

Advances in nondestructive evaluation and monitoring of concrete bridge decks
Organizer: N. Gucunski
Verification of advanced electromagnetic measurement techniques for corrosion and fracture detection of bridge tendons 
A. Holst, H. Budelmann & H.-J.Wichmann
Damage assessment of reinforced concrete decks due to chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcing bars and fatigue 
Y. Ishikawa, M. Aoyama, Y. Adachi & M. Nagai
Characterization and detection of bridge deck deterioration 
K.R. Maser, A.J. Carmichael, N.M. Martino & R. Birken
Non-destructive highway inspection methods using high definition video and infrared technology 
M. Matsumoto, M. Sugimoto, K. Hashimoto & K. Mitani
Rapid seismic scanning for bridge deck NDE 
J.S. Popovics, T. Oh & R.W. Arndt
Acoustic testing of concrete bridge decks for detection of delamination 
P. Shokouhi

Bridges for high-speed railways
Organizer: R. Calçada
Analysis of lateral dynamics of railway vehicles on viaducts with coupled models 
J.M. Goicolea, P. Antolín & J. Oliva
Dynamic interaction between rails and structure in a composite bridge of 120m length 
C. Jurado
Investigation of major dynamic responses in the high-speed railway bridges for KTX 
B.S. Kim,W.J. Chin, E.S. Choi & J.W. Kwark
The vertical acceleration on a bridge deck for riding stability of high-speed train 
J.W. Kwark, H.J. Yoon,W.J. Chin & B.S. Kim
Train-bridge interaction effects on the dynamic response of a small span high-speed railway bridge 
J. Rocha, A.A. Henriques & R. Calçada
Fatigue analysis of precast girder webs in railway bridge deck 
C. Sousa, J. Rocha, R. Calçada &A.S. Neves
Bridge/train interaction analysis of a suspension bridge subjected to seismic loads 
K. Sungil & K. Jongwon
Inspection and evaluation of steel bridges from a high-speed railway network 
Ph. Van Bogaert

Artificial intelligence methods in bridge analysis and design
Organizers: E. Garavaglia & L. Sgambi
Prestress optimization of hybrid tensile structures 
A. Albertin, P.G. Malerba, N. Pollini & M. Quagliaroli
An expert system for bridge inspection 
S. Becker & N. Gebbeken
Selective maintenance strategies applied to a bridge deteriorating steel truss 
E. Garavaglia, L. Sgambi & N. Basso
Time dependent behaviour of an elementary bridge model in presence of uncertainties 
P.G. Malerba, M. Quagliaroli, L. Sgambi & P. Baraldi

Sustainability assessment of bridges
Organizer: U. Kuhlmann
Life Cycle Assessment for representative steel and composite bridges 
T. Beck, M. Fischer & M. Pfaffinger
Life cycle analysis of highway composite bridges 
H. Gervásio, L. Simões da Silva, V. Perdigão, P. Barros, A. Orcesi & K. Nielsen
Quantification of sustainability principles in bridge projects 
C. Hendy & R. Petty
The proposed damage model and mechanical behaviors of damaged short suspenders in arch bridges 
Y.B. Li & Q.W. Zhang
Steel-composite bridges – Holistic approach applied to European case studies 
P. Maier, U. Kuhlmann, Y. Tardivel, N. Robert, J. Raoul, V. Perdigão, N. Martins, P. Barros, H. Friedrich & J. Krieger
Optimizing bridge design by improved deterioration models through fatigue tests 
P. Maier, U. Kuhlmann, N. Popa & R.Willms
German approach to a holistic assessment of steel and composite bridges 
P. Maier, U. Kuhlmann, H. Friedrich, J. Krieger, M. Pfaffinger & M. Mensinger
Experimental and analytical studies on fatigue strength of corroded bridge wires 
S. Nakamura & K. Suzumura
The social dimension of bridge sustainability assessment – Impacts on users and the public 
T. Zinke, T. Ummenhofer, M. Pfaffinger & M. Mensinger

Numerical simulation of durability of concrete bridges
Organizer: A. Chen
Modeling corrosion-induced longitudinal crack width and its effect on corrosion rate 
C. Cao, B.Y.B. Chan & M.M.S. Cheung
Bond slip model for generalized excitations 
E. Mazzarolo, T. Zordan & B. Briseghella
Optimization of maintenance planning for deteriorating RC bridges. I: Theory 
H. Tian, D.M. Frangopol & A. Chen
Optimization of maintenance planning for deteriorating RC bridges. II: Application 
H. Tian, D.M. Frangopol & A. Chen
Diffusion process and life-cycle analysis of concrete structures 
X. Tu & A. Chen

Analysis, design and testing of road timber bridges
Organizers: A. Palermo, K. Crews & R. Kliger
Non-linear analysis of a stress-laminated-timber bridge loaded to failure 
K. Ekholm, I.R. Kliger & R. Crocetti
Timber bridges in Sweden – On-going research and steadily expanding market 
I.R. Kliger, K. Ekholm & R. Crocetti
Capacity of compression members in heritage timber truss bridge 
A. Nicholas,W. Ariyaratne & K. Crews
Simplified fatigue verification for timber-concrete composite bridges considering notched connections 
K. Stephan, U. Kuhlmann & P. Aldi

Risk-based and disaster resilience analysis of bridge systems and networked infrastructures under multiple hazards
Organizers: G.P. Cimellaro & L. Dueñas-Osorio
Road network’s disaster resilience assessment methodology 
V. Arcidiacono, G.P. Cimellaro, A. Infuso & A.M. Reinhorn
Probabilistic functionality recovery model for resilience analysis 
P. Bocchini, A. Decò & D.M. Frangopol
Seismic vulnerability of shallow buried rectangular structures 
E. Debiasi, A. Gajo & D. Zonta
Accounting for bridge condition and correlation estimates in the seismic reliability analysis of aging transportation networks 
J. Ghosh, K. Rokneddin, J.E. Padgett & L. Dueñas-Osorio

Advanced technologies in standard bridge structures – from research to implementation
Organizer: M. Saiid Saiidi
Application of Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) for prevention of bridge deck unseating during hurricane wave and surge loading 
N. Ataei, E. McCarthy & J.E. Padgett
Assessment of a historical railway bridge toward traffic regulation requirements 
N. Boumechra, F. Casciati & S. Casciati
Research and application of precast segmental concrete bridge columns in regions of high seismicity 
K.-C. Chang, M.-S. Tsai, Y.-C. Ou, P.-H.Wang & G.C. Lee
Damping system for stay cables 
P. Egger & J. Kollegger
Shake table testing of a quarter-scale 4-span bridge with composite piers 
F. Kavianipour & M. Saiidi
Fatigue behaviour of bridge deck slab elements strengthened with reinforced UHPFRC 
T. Makita & E. Brühwiler
Gradient anchorage method for prestressed CFRP strips – Principle and application 
J. Michels, C. Czaderski, R. Brönnimann & M. Motavalli

Design and seismic analysis of long span bridges – Case studies
Organizer: A.H. Malik
Seismic assessment of long curved bridges using modal pushover analysis: A case study 
M.S. Ahmed & C.C. Fu
Innovative methodology towards the design of long span bridges 
A.H. Malik
Seismic design of the San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge self anchored suspension bridge 
M. Nader & M.-C. Tang & B. Maroney
Structural design and analysis of long span bridges 
S.Wang & C.C. Fu

Advances in modeling and analysis for the performance-based design of bridge structures subjected to multiple hazards
Organizers: F. Petrini & A. Palmeri
Structural response of bridges to fire after explosion 
C. Crosti, P. Olmati & F. Gentili
The performance-based evaluation of kinematic pile response due to lateral spread at an historic bridge in Costa Rica 
K.W. Franke & K.M. Rollins
Numerical simulation of bridges remodeling 
A. Marí, J. Bairán, R. Moreno, E. Oller & J.J. Álvarez
Performance-based design of bridge structures subjected to multiple hazards: A review 
F. Petrini & A. Palmeri
Finite element analysis of innovative solutions of precast concrete beam-column ductile connections 
A. Saviotti, P. Olmati & F. Bontempi

Advances in engineering structure management in Finland
Organizer: M.-K. Söderqvist
Guidelines for calculating the life cycle costs 
R. Kiviluoma & P. Korhonen
Management of inspection data quality of the Transport Agency’s structures 
M.-K. Söderqvist
The new management system of engineering structures in Finland 
M.-K. Söderqvist & M. Veijol
Bridge life cycle optimisation, the Nordic ETSI project 
M. Torkkeli & M. Piispanen
Guidelines and policy for maintaining and managing all engineering structures of the Traffic Agency 
M. Torkkeli & J. Lämsä
Multi-objective optimization of engineering structures 
P. Virtala, P.D. Thompson & R.M. Ellis

Operation and maintenance of major landmark bridges
Organizer: J.S. Jensen
Optimal maintenance of major bridges 
M.L. Bloomstine
Maintenance of bridge cable systems 
J. Laigaard, O. Sørensen & N. Bitsch
Reliability based inspection and reliability centered maintenance 
P. Linneberg, M. Zinck & K.V. Christensen
Maintenance of long span bridges 
D.K. MacKenzie & B. Colford
A structural health monitoring systems for long span bridges 
D.K. MacKenzie, N.M. Apaydin & O. Akkol

Recent advances in bridge health monitoring
Organizers: C.F. Cremona & A. Orcesi
Perturbation based stochastic model updating methods for the evaluation of structural modifications 
R. Biyoghe, D. Clair & M. Fogli
Supervised learning algorithms for damage detection and long term bridge monitoring 
C. Cremona, A. Cury &A. Orcesi
Bridge characterization and structural health monitoring: A suspension bridge case study 
A. Houel, A. Orcesi & R. Leconte
DynaMo – Software for vibration based structural health monitoring 
F. Magalhães, S. Amador, Á. Cunha & E. Caetano
Structural monitoring of the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge using video and sensor integration for enhanced data interpretation 433
M.T. Yarnold, F.L. Moon, A.E. Aktan & B. Glisic

Optical monitoring techniques for bridge maintenance and safety
Organizers: P.S. Sumitro & H. Matsuda
Field loading measurement of post-tension PC girder bridge with line sensor scanner 
A. Demizu, H. Matsuda, Y. Ito, K. Hida, T. Okamoto, M. Uchino & P.S. Sumitro
Application of full-field non-contact measurement technology to clarification of deterioration mechanism on constructional material 
H. Goda, M. Hibino, Y. Kawabata, M. Uchino & H. Matsuda
Existing bridge structural identification by vibration measurements using laser doppler velocimeter 
K. Makino, C. Morita, H. Matsuda, P.S. Sumitro & S. Yanai
Development of a hybrid camera system for bridge inspection 
S. Nishimura, K. Kimoto, S. Kusuhara, S. Kawabata, A. Abe &T. Okazawa
Monitoring of short & long term cable force on a cable stayed bridge using package type FBG sensors 
D.Y. Park, D.G. Kim, S.H. Kim & S.W. Lee
Strain visualization sticker using Moiré fringe for remote sensing 
T. Takaki, K. Fujii, I. Ishii, S. Umemoto, H. Ohata, N. Miyamoto &T. Okamto
Strain measurement of bridge members using strain visualization sticker 
S. Umemoto, H. Ohata, N. Miyamoto, T. Okamoto, T. Takaki, K. Fujii & I. Ishii

New developments on the bridge safety, maintenance and management in Mexico
Organizer: D. De León
Time variation of bridges structural reliability due to corrosion in Mexico 
D. De León, C.A. González-Pérez, S. Díaz, D. Delgado & J.C. Arteaga
Parametric study of bridges with substructure irregular conditions 
M.C. Gómez-Soberón & D.J. Salas-Mengchún
Simplified revision of bridge structural types on seismic zones. Specific cases on Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacan, Colima and Mexico State 
H. Hernández-Barrios & D. de León-Escobedo
Dynamic characterization of highway bridges 
M.E. Ruiz Sandoval, G. Martínez, R. Rojas, A.R. Sánchez, E.O. Navarro, J.M. Jara, B.A. Olmos & J. de la C. Tejeda

Non deterministic schemes for structural safety and reliability of bridges
Organizer: S. Arangio
Redundancy of highway bridge decks 
G. Anitori, J.R. Casas & M. Ghosn
Bayesian neural networks for damage identification of a cable-stayed bridge 
S. Arangio & F. Bontempi
Dynamic load allowance for capacity rating of prestressed concrete girder bridges based on reliability studies
L. Deng, C.S. Cai & M. Barbato
Application of orthogonal decomposition approaches to long-term monitoring of infrastructure systems 
E. Kallinikidou & S.F. Masri, A.K. Jain, H.-B. Yun & L.-H. Sheng
Strength and reliability of FRP-reinforced concrete beams 
S.E.C. Ribeiro & S.M.C. Diniz
Back analysis for earthquake damaged bridges. Part I: General procedure 
P.E. Sebastiani, P. Franchin, F. Petrini & F. Bontempi
Back analysis for earthquake damaged bridges. Part II: Application to a viaduct damaged in the April 6th, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake
P.E. Sebastiani, F. Petrini, P. Franchin & F. Bontempi

Structural control of bridges and footbridges: Extreme and every-day events
Organizers: L. Martinelli & M. Domaneschi
Seismic protection of the ASCE updated cable-stayed bridge benchmark with RNC passive devices 
G. Carusone, M. Domaneschi, L. Martinelli, M. Ismail & J. Rodellar
Seismic performance of a wind designed control strategy on a suspension bridge 
M. Domaneschi & L. Martinelli
Structural control of a wind excited suspension bridge model accounting for motion induced wind forces 
M. Domaneschi & L. Martinelli
Detailed numerical and experimental dynamic analysis of long-span footbridges to optimize structural control measures 
C. Meinhardt
Elaboration of the vibration comfort criteria for footbridges during vibrations induced by pedestrians 
M. Pa´ntak

Integral bridges: Design and technological issues
Organizers: P.G. Malerba &V. Kristek
Integral bridge design solutions for Italian highway overpasses 
L.F. Torricelli, A. Marchiondelli, R. Pefano & R. Stucchi
Structure-soil interaction of buried arch bridges 
M. Foglar &V. Kristek
Two integral bridges connecting the runways of the Milano Malpensa Airport 
P.G. Malerba & G. Comaita
Integral bridge: A review on its behaviour under earthquake loads 
M. Masrilayanti & L.Weekes

Management and preservation of long span historic bridges
Organizers: A.E. Aktan, F.L. Moon & D.S. Lowdermilk
Preservation and management of historic landmark bridges that remain essential as critical infrastructure elements 
I. Bartoli & A.E. Aktan
Knowledge management for aging infrastructure 
E. Jackson, E. Richter, P.L. Gurian, A. Pradhan, A.E. Aktan & F.L. Moon
Maintaining and preserving long span signature structures 
D.S. Lowdermilk, G. Nyikita & J. Jeffers
iCOMPASS: An integrated approach in performance-based management of infrastructures 
E. Minaie, M. DePriest, N.C. Dubbs, F.L. Moon, A.E. Aktan, P. Adams & S. Ozalis
Evaluation of a long-span steel tied arch bridge using temperature-based structural identification 
M.T. Yarnold, F.L. Moon, N.C. Dubbs & A.E. Aktan

Many bridges aren’t straight – Investigations of curved and skewed structures
Organizer: D. Linzell
An evaluation of lateral flange bending in straight and skewed short-span steel bridges 485
K.E. Barth, G.K. Michaelson & N.Y. Galindez
Behavior of skewed concrete box girder bridge under static and dynamic loading 486
X.-H. He, X.-W. Sheng, A. Scanlon & D.G. Linzell
Skewed steel bridge cross-frame live load performance 487
S.D. Murphy & D.G. Linzell
Special considerations in curved segmental post-tensioned bridges 488
A.J. Schokker

Lessons learnt from the Canterbury earthquakes: Assessment, testing and analysis of New Zealand bridges
Organizers: A. Palermo & L.M.Wotherspoon
Observed and predicted bridge damage following the recent Canterbury earthquakes: Toward the calibration and refinement of damage and loss estimation tools
M. Brando, S.L. Lin, S. Giovinazzi & A. Palermo
Lateral spreading interaction with bridges during the Canterbury earthquakes 
E. Camnasio, M. Le Heux, A. Palermo & L.M.Wotherspoon
Forced vibration testing of bridge damaged in the 2010 Darfield earthquake 
L.S. Hogan, L.M.Wotherspoon, S. Beskhyroun & J.M. Ingham
Overview of bridge performance during the 2011 Christchurch earthquake 
A. Palermo, A. Kivell, L.M.Wotherspoon, L.S. Hogan, M. Yashinsky, M. Bruneau & E. Camnasio
Performance of bridges during the 2010 Darfield earthquake 
L.M.Wotherspoon, L.S. Hogan, A. Palermo, M. Le Heux, M. Bruneau & M. Anagnostopoulou

Corrosion detection in cables and concrete bridges by magnetic methods
Organizers: A. Ghorbanpoor & B. Hillemeier
Magnetic inspection of adjacent box-beam girders 
B. Fernandes, D.K. Nims &V. Devabhaktuni
Fast and innovative detection of fractures in prestressing tendons on German highway-bridges 
C. Flohrer
Corrosion detection in tendons of segmental concrete bridges 
A. Ghorbanpoor & E. Abdel-Salam
Magnetic localization of fractures of broken wires in pre-stressing cables of bridges and parking decks 
B. Hillemeier & C.-I Pak
Application of line scanner in remanent and active field compared with the big magnet impulse magnetization 
S. Knapp & B. Hillemeier

Hybrid composite bridge system
Organizers: H. Furuta & S.-H. Kim
Partial interaction analyses of composite steel-concrete girders subjected to combined bending and shear 
P. Ansourian, G. Ranzi & A. Zona
Study on crack inspection of in-service steel structure by EPDM 
K.H. Chang, D.N.V. Vuong, S.H. Hyun, C.H. Lee, M. Hirohata &Y.C. Kim
Seismic performance evaluations of bridge-pier system with uncertainty 
T. Iida, D. Lim & K. Kawano
Applications of hybrid system with Perfobond rib shear connectors 
S.-H. Kim, C.-Y. Jung, J.-Y. Joung & J.-H. Ahn
Fundamental study on rigid connection detail of steel-concrete composite rigid frame bridge using bearing plat 
K. Tani, T. Yamada, D. Sagou, T. Yamaguchi &Y. Kawamoto
Fatigue crack detection of steel truss bridge by using mechanoluminescent sensor 
N. Terasaki, C.-N. Xu, C. Li, L. Zhang, Y. Sakata, N. Ueno, C.-N. Xu, K. Yasuda & L.H. Ichinose

Understanding and enhancing bridge performance
Organizer: J.M. Hooks
Monitoring bridges with wireless sensor networks: A critical assessment 
G. Feltrin
Evaluating and forecasting bridge performance under uncertainty 
D.M. Frangopol & D. Saydam
Studying, understanding & enhancing the performance of bridges in the United States 
J.M. Hooks, A. Foden & M.C. Brown
A model-free data-interpretation approach for long-term monitoring of bridges 
I. Laory, T.N. Trinh & I.F.C. Smith
Extracting knowledge from structural response data 
F.L. Moon, J.S. Weidner & N.C. Dubbs

Extending bridge life through industry academic partnerships
Organizer: E.J. OBrien
Attenuating resonant behavior of a tied arch railway bridge using increased hanger damping 
A. Andersson & R. Karoumi
Probabilistic approach to fatigue 
J. Baussaron &T. Yalamas
Improved bridge response evaluation based on dynamic testing 
I. González, R. Karoumi & A. LLorens
Traffic load models for long span bridges 
A.A. Harapetova, A.J. O’Connor & E.J. OBrien
Procedures for calibrating Eurocode traffic Load Model 1 for national conditions 
E.J. OBrien &A.J. O’Connor, J.E. Arrigan
Introduction to the Long Life Bridges project 
E.J. OBrien, A.J. O’Connor & J.E. Arrigan
Reliability-based assessment of fatigue life for bridges 
H.S. Toft & J.D. Sørensen

Extreme events of long span bridges: Design, assessment and management
Organizer: A. Chen
Analysis on applicability of health monitoring techniques on a curved cable stayed bridge 
B. Briseghella, A. Chen, X. Li, T. Zordan, C. Lan & E. Mazzarolo
Computational approach to predict transporting possibility of concrete in long-distance pumping
S.D. Jo, S.G. Lee, K.P. Jang, S.H. Kwon, C.K. Park, J.H. Jeong & S.H. Lee
Time-dependent reliability of carbonation process for concrete component with surface coating protection 
X. Liu, X. Ruan & A. Chen
Risk based management in Minpu Bridge 
X. Ruan, Z.Y. Yin & Z.G. Yan

Organizers: F. Biondini & D.M. Frangopol
Negative moment region composite action of steel-concrete girders with grouped studs 
I.-S. Ahn, S.S. Chen, A.J. Aref, J.A. Carpenter & M. Chiewanichakorn
Structural analysis of bridges with time-variant modulus of elasticity under moving loads 
H. Aied &A. González
A BMS development project with an integrated inspection program 
F. Akgül
Design of externally plated RC beams in bridging applications 
S. Aliamiri & M. Raoof
Network bridge management with life-cycle cost optimization 
J.O. Almeida, R.M. Delgado & P.F. Teixeira
Application of the operational modal analysis and modal updating methods for the characterization of the longitudinal modulus of an ancient reinforced concrete truss bridge in Almeria (Spain) 
J.F.J. Alonso & A.S. Pérez
Seismic vulnerability and retrofitting of “Gioieni bridge” in Catania using innovative materials 
L. Anania, A. Badalà, S. Costa & G. D’Agata
Exploring system interdependencies via a multi-disciplinary modeling approach: Application to bridge management 
E. Andrijcic, S. Chase, Z. Guo & S. Hwang
Earthquake retrofit campaign for large scale bridges in Istanbul 
N.M. Apaydin
Enhanced analytical method of predicting residual strength capacities of corroded steel bridge plates 
J.M.R.S. Appuhamy, M. Ohga, P. Chun, S. Furukawa & P.B.R. Dissanayake
Thermography for the inspection of infrastructures 
R.W. Arndt & H. Parvardeh
The broad impact of disaster risk mitigation based on IT solutions 
G.M. Atanasiu & F. Leon
Noncontact bridge deformation monitoring using laser tracking technology 
U.B. Attanayake, A. Servi & H.M. Aktan
Assessing full-depth deck joint durability using embedded sensors and FE simulations 
U.B. Attanayake, O. Abudayyeh, H.M. Aktan, I. Abdel-Qader, C. Mansiz & E. Almaita
Seismic assessment of monolithic vs. pin column top connections in R/C skewed bridges 
N. Attarchian, A. Kalantari &A.S. Moghadam
A comprehensive guide for designing bridges for service life 
A. Azizinamini, E. Power & G. Myers
Seismic risk assessment and retrofit design of existing concrete bridges for the Italian highway Savona-Ventimiglia 
C. Bafaro, G. Massone, G. Pasqualato, G. Massa & F. Lenti
Towards a load rating methodology for concrete-encased pre-stressed steel girder bridges based on US standards 
U. Barajas-Valdes, G. Portela-Gauthier, R.N. González, G. Velázquez &W. Varela-Ortiz
Newest development of concrete safety barriers for bridges and the need to harmonize national collision force regulations 
A. Bares, T. Edl, G. Ferner &A. Barnaš
Assessment of the levels of load-path redundancy in short span steel truss bridges 
K.E. Barth, G.K. Michaelson, J.M. Stains & K.P. Mertens
Structural assessment of Bullona 1929 railway bridge station to double span by external post-tensioning 
C. Beltrami, C. Silvestri & G. Pedrazzi
Structural assessment of bridges and health monitoring programs based on dynamical tests
F. Benedettini, A. Morassi & F. Vestroni
Anchorage capacity of naturally corroded reinforcement in an existing bridge 
F. Berg, D. Johansson, K. Lundgren, M. Plos & K.Z. Hanjari
Static test for three span highway bridge in Romania 
G. Boaca & C.C. Comisu
Life time extension of prestressed beams using cathodic protection 
R. Brueckner, C.P. Atkins & P. Lambert
Updating existing railway bridges based on monitoring data 
E. Brühwiler, M. Rocha, M.A. Treacy, T.N. Bittencourt & A.P.C. Neto
Dynamic interaction of cable supported bridges with traffic loads including the effect of an accidental failure in the cable system 
D. Bruno, F. Greco, P. Lonetti & P. Nevone Blasi
Cameras as displacement sensors to get the dynamic motion of a bridge: Performance evaluation against traditional approaches 
G. Busca, A. Cigada, P. Mazzoleni, E. Zappa & M. Franzi
Lane changing control to reduce traffic load effect on long-span bridges 
C.C. Caprani, B. Enright & C. Carey
Reliability analysis and in-field investigation of a r.c. bridge over river Adige in Verona, Italy 
F. Carturan, K. Islami, C. Pellegrino & C. Modena
Service life assessment of steel riveted railway bridges: A case study 
L. Cascini, M. D’Aniello, F. Portioli & R. Landolfo
Design of energy harvesting bridge considering practical traffic conditions 
M.S. Choi, S.-H. Kim & H.E. Youn
Health monitoring system of bridges network in Romania 
C.C. Comisu, G. Boaca &A. Ianos
Numerical durability analysis of reinforced concrete bridges with focus on hygro-thermal behavior 
F. Cramer, U. Kowalsky & D. Dinkler
Application of risk analysis for the preservation of post-tensioned girder bridge decks 
C. Cremona, G. Lacoste, P. Corfdir, S. Neiers, C. Aubagnac, E. Delahaye, C. Marcotte & P. Paillusseau
The reconstruction of theWilliamsburg Bridge in NewYork City 
R.D. Csogi
Bridge dynamic response due to truck load sequence 
S. Darjani, M.A. Saadeghvaziri, N. Aboobaker &A. Khan
Reinforcement of structural elements by the use of composite materials and external prestressing 
E. De Angelis, F. Incelli, B. Rinaldi & S. Mancini
Monitoring during large construction projects 
H. De Backer, A. Outtier, K. Schotte, D. Stael,W. Nagy & Ph. Van Bogaert
Lifetime risk assessment of bridges affected by multiple hazards 
A. Decò & D.M. Frangopol
Further study of chloride penetration in a RC slab sustaining in-service loads 
A. Deif, B. Martín-Pérez & B. Cousin
Controlled demolition of damaged bridge decks 
L. Della Sala
Assessment of bridge expansion joints using long-term displacement measurement under changing environment 
Y. Deng, Y.L. Ding, A.Q. Li & G.D. Zhou
MMA polymer concrete materials for aging bridge rehabilitation and sustainability 
A.M. Dinitz & M.S. Stenko
Push-out tests of straight shear connectors based on steel-concrete adherence 
H.J.F. Diógenes, A.L.H.C. El Debs & M.K. El Debs
The study on stability of bridge on which heavy military vehicle passes 
A. Do Kyoun Kim, B. Jae Uk Lee & C. Young Gu Kang
Damage detection in a suspension bridge model using the interpolation damage detection method 
M. Domaneschi, M.P. Limongelli & L. Martinelli
Using internal electrical resistivity measurements as a tool for structural health monitoring 
N.H. El-Ashkar, M.I.S. Elmasry & M.F.A. Alasadi
Strengthening of box girders using adaptive “tube-in-tube” concepts 
M. Empelmann, D. Busse, S. Hamm, M. Girmscheid &T. Zedler
The effect of lane changing on long-span highway bridge traffic loading 
B. Enright, C. Carey, C.C. Caprani & E.J. OBrien
Exploiting linear system behaviour to determine structure level costs based on element condition states 
D. Fernando, B.T. Adey & S.Walbridge
A Timoshenko–based structural model for the analysis of bridges 
M. Ferraz, R. Faria & J. Figueiras
Truck weight limits on concrete bridges regarding ultimate limit bending moment using reliability theory 
L.M. Ferreira, M.K. El Debs &A.L.H.C. El Debs
Analysis of normative approaches to service life design for carbonation induced reinforcement depassivation: Fib MC-SLD, by50 and LNEC E465 
R.M. Ferreira & E. Vesikari
Bridges and viaducts of “Variante di Valico” project 
L.F. Torricelli &A. Marchiondelli
Experimental testing of blast resistance FRC and RC bridges 
M. Foglar, M. Kovar &A. Kohoutkova
Bridge management system implementation in Italy: Pontis® and other BMS application in Italy 
E. Fruguglietti, G. Pasqualato & E. Spallarossa
“The Maintenance Manual” in important infrastructural project, from the design up to the implementation after construction 
E. Fruguglietti, G. Pasqualato & R. Sagula
Strength of corroded steel structure bonded with steel cover plate 
M. Fukuda, K. Fujii, T. Nakayama & H. Horii
Approach for the life-cycle management of structures including durability analysis and maintenance planning 
P. Furtner & R. Veit-Egerer
Low cost dynamic structural identification system for extensive bridge monitoring 
J. García-Palacios, A. Araujo, O. Nieto-Taladriz, A. Samartín, E. Reynders & G. de Roeck
Blow-up oscillating solutions to some nonlinear fourth order differential equations describing oscillations of suspension bridges 
F. Gazzola & R. Pavani
Spectral analysis of dynamic response of footbridges to random pedestrian loads 
M. Gladysz &W. Zielichowski-Haber
Bridge condition assessment based on long-term monitoring data and finite element model updating 
H.C. Gomez & M.Q. Feng
Innovative numerical modeling to investigate local scouring problems induced by fluvial structures 
R. Guandalini, G. Agate, S. Manenti, S. Sibilla & M. Gallati
3D numerical simulation of soil-structure interaction effect: The Acquasanta, Genoa, railway bridge 
R. Guidotti, I. Mazzieri & M. Stupazzini
Fatigue reliability analysis of steel bridge details based on field-monitored data and linear elastic fracture mechanics 
T. Guo &Y.W. Chen
Prediction of service performance for RC bridge by considering the coupling effect of load-environment in service cycle 
T. Guobin, X. Yiqiang &W. Qiangqiang
An in-depth analysis of I35W Bridge collapse 
S. Hao
Fatigue design of plated structures using structural hot spot stress approach 
M. Heshmati & M. Al-Emrani
Durability of corrosion protecting materials under sleepers of railway steel bridges 
H. Higashiyama, T. Nakayama, M. Kimura, T. Sakamoto & S. Matsui
Pre-assessment of existing road bridges – New procedure for a rough but quick estimation of the capacity of existing road bridges 
M. Hofmann, B. Kühn, H. Frießem, B.Winkler & M. Hoffmann
Humber Bridge A-frame refurbishment/replacement 
S.R. Hornby, J.H. Collins, P.G. Hill & J.R. Cooper
The implementation of a bridge management system in Portugal 
C.S. Horta & E.C. Lopes
Live load factors for serviceability limit state of prestressed concrete girder stresses 
E.-S. Hwang, S.-M. Kim & S.H. Nguyen
The benefits and use of FE modelling in bridge assessment and design 
P. Icke & C. Margheriti
Monitoring of a prestressed high performance concrete bridge from construction through service using an embedded optical fiber sensor system 
R.L. Idriss
Fatigue assessment of a railway bridge detail using dynamic analysis and probabilistic fracture mechanics 
B.M. Imam & G. Kaliyaperumal
Highway A24 in Italy: Improvement of seismic performance 
F. Incelli, B. Rinaldi, E. De Angelis & S. Mancini
Imperfection sensitivity of hanger of a suspension bridge for different hanger arrangements 
M. Inoue
Shear strengthening of columns in existing bridges 
T. Isakovi´c, M. Fischinger, Z. Vidrih &A. Bevc
Expected seismic performance of irregular isolated bridges 
J.M. Jara, M. Jara, B.A. Olmos, D. Villanueva & H. Varum
Great marquee for high-speed trains in the new railway station of Málaga 
C. Jurado
Effect of skewness on shear force applied to shear keys in skewed highway bridges 
A. Kalantari & S.M.J. Foroughi
Ductility behavior of deteriorating reinforced concrete members 
A.N. Kallias & M.I. Rafiq
Improvement in tensile performance of steel fiber reinforced high strength concrete: Influence of fiber shape and sand to aggregate ratio 
S.T. Kang, H.W. Cho, J.H. Lee & D.J. Kim
Reliability analysis of footbridge serviceability considering crowd loading 
J. Keogh, C.C. Caprani, P. Archbold & P. Fanning
Shear performance of long-term corroded reinforced concrete beams 
I. Khan, R. François &A. Castel
Effect of soil-structure-interaction on the reliable seismic retrofit design of an existing highway bridge 
S.R. Khavari, M. Hosseini, M. Taghipour, E. Davoodi, M. Zohrehvandi,A. Esmaeilifar & S. Tahmasebifard
Remote monitoring of suspension bridge cables as calibrated in the laboratory and tested in the field 
D. Khazem, K. Serzan & R. Betti
Ultimate strength interaction of unstiffened steel box members subjected to bending and torsion 
K. Kim
Effects of superstructures on seismic behavior of steel bridge frame piers with circular columns 
K. Kinoshita
Wind shielding on long span bridges 
S. Kite, M. Carter & E. Ozkan
Use of structural monitoring in simulation of train-bridge interaction 
R. Kiviluoma & H. Yli-Villamo
Probability-based design of spun concrete bridge piers 
R. Kliukas, R. Vadl¯uga &A. Kudzys
Analytical and experimental study for flexure of composite bridges with CFT girder 
H.J. Ko, H.-E. Lee & J. Moon
Life-cycle cost estimation of a new metal spraying system for steel bridges 
T. Kondo & S. Okuno
Static and dynamic load tests of a long-span cable-stayed bridge over Odra River in Wroclaw 
M. Ku´zawa, J. Bie´n, P. Rawa, T. Kami´nski & J. Zwolski
Composite concrete encased steel beam-column design in AASHTO specifications 
L.L.-Y. Lai
Control of traffic loads on Great Belt Bridge 
J. Laigaard, N. Bitsch, H. Gjelstrup & K.A. Nielsen
Residual capacity from aggregate interlock of cracked concrete slab bridge 
E.O.L. Lantsoght, C. van der Veen & J.C.Walraven
The renewal of the Burtscheidt Viaduct in Aachen Germany 
A. Laubach
Rate of convergence of measured stress range spectra 
J. Leander & R. Karoumi
Effectiveness of multiple unseating prevention devices for bridges under extreme earthquakes 
T.Y. Lee, D.W. Chang & D.C. Dzeng
Static and dynamic windproof efficiency evaluation for bridge cross section considered transmission of fairing 
H. Lee, S. Oh, N. Chun & H.-E. Lee
Assisting routine inspection of highway bridges with IFC-based 3D models 
S.-H. Lee, M.G. Huang & B.-G. Kim
Impact effect statistic investigation of concrete filled steel tube arch bridge under moving vehicles based on the field test and simulation analysis 
Y. Li, Y. Liu & H. Sun
Temperature effect on cable frequencies and evaluation of cable corrosion 
X.R. Li, X.C. Chen, Z.Z. Bai, D.W. Chen, X.C. Chen & F.T.K. Au
A comparative study of bridge traffic load effect using micro-simulation and Eurocode load models 
A. Lipari, E.J. OBrien & C.C. Caprani
Variability in dynamic characteristics of the Sutong cable-stayed bridge under routine traffic conditions 
J. Liu & Q. Zhang
Estimation of Markovian deterioration models for bridge management 
T. Liu & J.Weissmann
Comparisons of four time-dependent reliability approaches for safety assessment of deteriorated concrete bridges 
D.G. Lu, X.P. Fan &W. Jiang
Integrated bridge management from 3D-model to network level
K. Lukas &A. Borrmann
Evaluation of Eurocode damage equivalent factor based on traffic simulation
N. Maddah &A. Nussbaumer
Dynamic characterization of multiple identical spans of a steel girder bridge 
R. Maestri, E.V. Fernstrom & K.A. Grimmelsman
Uncertainty evaluation of the behavior of a composite beam 
J.C. Matos, I.B. Valente, P.J.S. Cruz & L.A.C. Neves
Dynamic response of isolated viaduct considering knocking-off effects of displacement restrainers 
M. Matsumura & M. Yoshida
An asset management approach to bridge barrier retrofits 
P.S. McCarten & N. Lloyd
An approach to evaluating the influences of aging on the system capacity of steel I-girder bridges 
J. McConnell, G. McCarthy & D.Wurst
Seismic upgrade of steel curved highway viaducts with isolation bearings and cable restrainers 
C. Mendez Galindo, G. Moor, R. Berger &T. Hayashikawa
Design and testing of seismic protection devices for bridges according to EN 15129 
C. Mendez Galindo, T. Spuler, G. Moor & R. Berger
Fatigue damage assessment of railway steel bridges based on short-term monitoring data 
L.C. Meneghetti, R.M. Teixeira, R. Oliveira, T.N. Bittencourt &A.P. Conceição Neto
A simplified procedure to evaluate seismic vulnerability of R.C. circular bridge piers 
M. Mezzina, F. Palmisano & D. Raffaele
Stress analysis method for steel plate multilayered CFRP under uniaxial loading 
T. Miyashita & M. Nagai
Partial safety factors for existing reinforced concrete structures 
T. Moser, A. Strauss & K. Bergmeister
Research on bond between non-metallic reinforcement bars and concrete for bridge applications 
P. Mossakowski &W. Radomski
Intelligent bridges – Adaptive systems for information and holistic evaluation in real time 
T. Neumann & P. Haardt
Repair and dynamic-based condition assessment of impact damage to a freeway overpass bridge near Mossel Bay, South Africa 
A.A. Newmark, P. Moyo & E.J. Kruger
Optimal seismic retrofit strategy selection of deteriorating concrete structures 
N.A. Ni Nuallain &A.J. O’Connor
Flexural tests on GFRP RC slabs: Experimental results and numerical simulations 
E. Nigro, A. Bilotta, G. Cefarelli, G. Manfredi & E. Cosenza
Development of an advanced orthotropic steel deck system for long span bridge 
C.K. Oh, K.J. Hong & D. Bae
Displacement fragility curves for bridges with medium length 
B.A. Olmos, J.M. Jara & M. Jara
Mode shape estimation of a bridge using the responses of passing vehicles 
Y. Oshima, K. Yamamoto & K. Sugiura
Assessing impact-echo test variables for detecting loss of bond in RC bridge columns 
A. Pagnotta, P. Gardoni, D. Trejo & Q. Huang
Direct and probabilistic interrelationships between half-cell potential and resistivity test results for durability ranking 
V. Pakrashi, J. Kelly &A.J. O’Connor
A displacement-based procedure for seismic assessment of reinforced concrete bridges 
A.M. Paksoy & L. Petrini
A practical overweight permit analysis system in Seoul 
A.H.M. Park, B.J.K. Lim, C.Y.M. Chon & D.S.H. Kim
Estimation of diffusion coefficient of chloride ions for concrete durability design 
B.S. Park, J.W. Seok, J.M. Park, J.-Y. Cho & J.Y. Kim
A study on temperature variation of steel box girder for construction of key-segment closure of partially Earth-anchored cable-stayed bridges 
S.-J. Park, Y.-G. Kim & S.-H. Kim
Estimation of elastic modulus of reinforcement corrosion products using inverse analysis of digital image correlation measurements for input in corrosion-induced cracking model 
B.J. Pease, A. Michel, A.E.A. Thybo & H. Stang
Assessment procedures and strengthening of an existing metal bridge 
A. Pipinato
The manteinance of bridge structures: The case of the Soleri Viaduct in Cuneo 
G. Pistone, A.D. Cavallo, R. Enrici & S. Nicola
Practical aspects of imposed autocorrelation and probabilistic nonlinear modeling 
J. Podrouzek &A. Strauss
Efficient solution for bridge reconstruction 
V. Popa
Low-power wireless monitoring of fracture-critical bridges 
D.L. Potter, J.D. Fasl, T.A. Helwig, S.L.Wood, V.A. Samaras, A.A. Yousef, K.H. Frank & R.E. Lindenberg
Computer simulation of concrete bridges 
R. Pukl, V. C?ervenka, J. C?ervenka & D. Novák
High damping curved surface sliding isolators for bridges
V. Quaglini
The improvement of the seismic response of a concrete bridge by using isolation devices 
I.R. Racanel, D.I. Cretu & M. Contiu
Stochastic model of continuously measured vertical pedestrian loads 
V. Racic, J.M.W. Brownjohn &A. Pavic
Finite element modelling of Humber Bridge 
A.R. Rahbari & J.M.W. Brownjohn
Jacking of bridge girders for bearing replacement 
A.P. Ranasinghe & W.L. Gottshall
An innovative experimental approach for nonlinear dynamic physical simulation using a reconfigurable test setup 
A. Rank, H.-B. Yun, J.P. Caffrey & S.F. Masri
Bridge maintenance planning using cross-entropy and non-stationary Markov chains 
T.M. Reale &A.J. O’Connor
Rehabilitation of the suspension bridge over Zambezi River in Mozambique 
A. Reis & C. Baptista
A live load control procedure for long-span bridges 
N.S. Renehan & C.C. Caprani
Prediction of fatigue life of reinforced concrete bridges using fracture mechanics 
M. Rocha & E. Brühwiler
Contribution of the FBG based monitoring to the rehabilitation of a centenary steel bridge 
C. Rodrigues, F. Cavadas, C. Félix & J. Figueiras
Laboratory fatigue evaluation of replacement orthotropic deck for a signature bridge 
S. Roy, J.W. Fisher, N.K. Manandhar, R.S.D. Alapati &Y.C. Park
Probabilistic modeling of reinforced concrete bridge repair deterioration in marine environments 
P.C. Ryan &A.J. O’Connor
Zambia bridge and culvert inspection and management system 
M.C. Schellhase, J.K. Shaffer & B.D.Witter
Fatigue life time assessment of structural steels by use of ductility parameters 
I. Schendel & U. Peil
Rapid non-contact tension force measurements on stay cables 
M. Schmieder, A. Taylor-Noonan & R. Heere
Laser vibrometry for bridge post-repair investigation 
M. Schmieder, A. Taylor-Noonan, R. Heere & S.E. Chen
Shear strength for corroded plate girder bridge 
T. Shimozato, Y. Tamaki, Y. Arizumi, T. Yabuki & S. Ono
Structural assessment for high concrete pier with a vertical construction error and suggestion of the improvement measurement 
J. Sim, K. Lee, H. Kim, A. Hanif, G. Kim, H. Ju & M. Ju
Determination of the mean fatigue limit of a French railway bridge puddle iron by self-heating measurements under cyclic loadings 
S. Sire, C. Doudard & S. Calloch
The design and construction of bridge structure erected by balanced cantilevers method situated on the Prague bypass 
M. Šístek, V. Engler, F. Hanus, R. Lenner & L. Vráblík
The whole life costing of bridge deck replacement – A case study 
T.W. Siwowski
Monitoring integrity and corrosion damage on cable stayed bridge “Jaime Dovali” Mexico 
R. Soto-Espitia, J.R. Vazquez Gonzalez & L. Martinez-Gomez
Simplified and detailed calculations of long-term stress redistributions in continuous precast bridge decks 
C. Sousa, M. Fonseca, R. Calçada & A.S. Neves
Renovation of a heritage protected suspension bridge with replacement of key components and provision of seismic protection 
T. Spuler & G. Moor
Renewal of small movement expansion joints with minimum break-out and time requirements 
T. Spuler & G. Moor
Renewal of bridge expansion joints with minimal disruption to traffic – A solution using modularised sliding finger joints 
T. Spuler & G. Moor
Structural reliability of cable stayed bridges based on analysis of deformations 
V. Straupe &Ai. Paeglitis
Conflicting policies with CWR on open deck bridges 
R.A.P. Sweeney
Damage detection in suspension bridges from wind response measurements and automatic mode selection: A feasibility study 
F. Ubertini &A.L. Materazzi
Analysis and verification of existing bridge structures 
C. Unger & M. Empelmann
Bridge monitoring by fiber optic deformation sensors: A case study 
G. Uva, D. Raffaele, F. Porco, A. Fiore & G. Porco
Bridge strengthening by network arch: Structural performance and design criteria 
M.A. Valenzuela & J.R. Casas
Modelling synergistic effects of carbonation/chloride penetration and frost attack for service life design of concrete bridges 
E. Vesikari, H. Kuosa, J. Piironen & R.M. Ferreira
Experimental modal analysis and fatigue assessment on the Lagoscuro viaduct 
L. Vincenzi, M. Savoia &W. Salvatore
Monitoring of bridges – Detection of traffic loads 
C. von der Haar, S. Marx & M. Hansen
Numerical simulations of prestress loss due to creep and shrinkage in singular regions of concrete 
L. Vráblík, J. Losko &V. Kristek
A study on the durability performances for bridge expansion joints 
D.Wakabayashi, T. Asai & S. Ono
Modelling inspection and fatigue retrofitting by post-weld treatment in bridge management systems 
S.Walbridge, D. Fernando & B.T. Adey
Study on long-term wind data recorded at Sutong Bridge site 
H.Wang, J. Niu, T. Guo & Z. Zong
Targetless precision monitoring of road and rail bridges using video cameras 
P.W.Waterfall, J.H.G. Macdonald & N.J. McCormick
Monitoring of field performance of longitudinally cracked concrete bridge deck 
G.W.William, S.N. Shoukry & M.Y. Riad
Localized bending fatigue behavior of high-strength steel monostrands 
J.Winkler, G. Fischer & C.T. Georgakis
High performance computing for damage detection of civil infrastructural systems 
Z.Y.Wu, T. Mi, J. Zhao & G. Xu
Monitoring and conservation system design of historic bridge based on the internet of things 
Y.Q. Xiang, Q.P. Li, K. Cheng & Q.Q.Wu
Wireless interrogation of passive crack sensor 
Z. Xu, Y. Jia, R. Valentín & G. Portela
Dynamic response analyses for human-induced lateral vibration on footbridges 
M. Yoneda
Basic creep study and formulation of a new model 
M. Zeineddine,W. Raphael &A. Chateauneuf
The real-time alarming technique of ship-collision to long-span bridges based on the displacement data of expansion joints 
Y.F. Zhang, S.C. Zhu & L.T. Zhang
The wind statistical characteristics analyse of long-span bridge based on long-term field measurement data 
G.D. Zhou, Y.L. Ding, A.Q. Li &Y. Deng
Minnesota Department of Transportation new structure information management system 
J. Zink, J.K. Shaffer, M.C. Schellhase & B.D.Witter
Lessons learned from the Little Lake Harris Bridge settlement restoration project 
M. Hassan, A. Sallam & D. Thompson

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