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Accelerated Bridge Construction.Best Practices and Techniques



Describes design methods for accelerated bridge substructure construction; reducing foundation construction time and methods by using pile bents Explains applications to steel bridges, temporary bridges in place of detours using quick erection and demolition


  • ISBN: 9780124072244
  • Páginas: 656
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Disponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Accelerated Bridge Construction.Best Practices and Techniques

    Describes design methods for accelerated bridge substructure construction; reducing foundation construction time and methods by using pile bents
    Explains applications to steel bridges, temporary bridges in place of detours using quick erection and demolition
    Covers design-build systems' boon to ABC; development of software; use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)
    Includes applications to glulam and sawn lumber bridges, precast concrete bridges, precast joints details; use of lightweight aggregate concrete, aluminum and high-performance steel


The traveling public has no patience for prolonged, high cost construction projects. This puts highway construction contractors under intense pressure to minimize traffic disruptions and construction cost. Actively promoted by the Federal Highway Administration, there are hundreds of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) construction programs in the United States, Europe and Japan. Accelerated Bridge Construction: Best Practices and Techniques provides a wide range of construction techniques, processes and technologies designed to maximize bridge construction or reconstruction operations while minimizing project delays and community disruption.


Chapter 1 Introduction to Modern Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC)

- Rapid Construction and early delivery of bridge
- A review of the many aspects of ABC philosophy and benefits to society
- Scope of ABC work
- Multiple factors that may affect ABC progress and benefits
- ABC planning for new and replacement bridges
- Urgency in fixing defective bridges
- Impact of ABC on long-term life-cycle costs
- Recent advancements in ABC methods,literature,and design codes
- Using advanced management  techniques in ABC
- Conclusions for developing and promoting ABC

Chapter 2 Recent Developments in ABC Concepts

- Application of ABC concepts
- A practical approach to solving ABC issues
- Variations in ABC methods
- Advantages of ABC drawings and contract documents
- Accelerated management
- Accelerated bridge rehabilitation
- Asset management after identifying SD bridges
- Inspection programs
- Bridges on waterways
- Funding allocations for structurally deficient bridges
- Grand challenges by the AASHTO technical committee for construction ( T-4)
- Design-build contracts and role played by the design-build insitutute of america
- Types of contracts
- The construction management general contractor institute
- The construction industry institute
- Conclusion for ABC and design build constracts

Chapter 3 Research and Training in ABC Structural Systems

- Background
- Variations in structural systems and scope of work
- SHM and prioritization of bridges for rehabilitation and replacement
- ABP leads to ABC
- Compliance with environmental permit regulations
- Insurances against liabilities
- Utility coordination prior to and during construction
- ABC for railway bridges
- Choosing the accelerated construction route New Jersey
- FHWA innovative techniques
- Surges in transportation publications and workshops
- Continuing education,training and research in ABC
- Training in emergency and disaster management
- Webinats on ABC at FIU
- Seminar on ABC at Philadelphia Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
- Design-Building insitute of  America´s training programs in promoting design-build methods
- The need for a national center devoted to ABC
- Research challenges for developing ABC technology
- Conclusions on identifying the ways and means to promote ABC

Chapter 4 Innovative ABC Techniques

- Maintaiming the right of way philosophy with accelerated bridge construction
- Ensuring adequate investment returns
- Modern concrete technology and accelerated bridge construction
- Recent innovations leading to faster bridge delivery
- Development of diverse repair technologies
- New materials and technologies
- New materials and technology
- Modern equipment
- Fiber-reinforced polymer concrete
- Lighweight concrete
- Prefabricated bridge decks and overlays
- Use of recycled concrete aggregate
- Applications of innovative precast members
- Alternatives to concrete materials
- Use of other recyclable materials
- Conclusions


Chapter 5 Modular Bridge Construction Issues

- Prefabricated bridge elements and systems
- General prefabrication criteria
- Promoting  prefabrication criteria
- Advancements in prefabrication  technology by AASTHO and the prestressed concrete insitute
- Prefabricated steel girders
- Precast components for substructures
- Miscellaneous prefabricated bridge elements
- Alternative use of hybrid-composite beam
- Essential deck overlays for impoving riding surface quality
- Types of rapid bridge construction
- ABC present challenges and technically sensitive issues
- Use of new construction materials
- Proprietary manifacturing companies
- Further case studies of prefabricated bridges
- Conclusions for prefabricated bridges

Chapter 6 Rapid Bridge Insertions Following Failures

- Introductions
- Bridge failures can be prevented by asset  management methods of ABC
- Inspection and rating procedures as a starting point for maintenance
- Probability of failure and risk management
- Failure studies of conventional bridges
- History of failure of U.S.Bridges
- Rapid insertion/ emergency replacement methods using ABC
- Accelerated bridge replacement ( ABR )
- Recent progress made with successful completion of ABC
- Curved girders instability in unbraced erection conditions
- Cost of bridge failures and funding allocations
- Conclusions

Chapter 7 ABC Planning and Resolving ABC Issues

- Our failing infrastructure and transportacion problems
- Planning bridges on new routes and replacement on existing routes
- Role of government agencies in maintaining infrastructure
- Engineers meeting the need to replace or rehabilitate bridges
- Progress in desing build.prefabrication,and the role of the construction manager general contractor
- MPT during construction
- Action required by environmental engineer
- Improved aesthetics
- Design-related issues
- States across the country implementing  ABC
- Overview of maintenance procedures
- Increasing the service life of bridges
- Practical examples of Pennsylvania and New Jersey Bridges
- Conclusions


Chapter 8 Prefabrication Of The Superstructure

- Introduction
- Continous reconstruction of nationwide bridges
- Developments in ABC technology
- The staleholders in promotion rapid construction
- Environmental impact,guidelines,historic sites and transportation
- Case studies of a variety of bridges using PBES in the United States
- Notable progress in the United States
- Selecting and optimizing the girder shape
- Selected examples of succesful application of precast construction
- Use of lightwight concrete application of precast construction
- Deck overlay options
- Use of ABC outside USA
- Publications
- Conclusions

Chapter 9 Prefabrication Of the Substructure And Construction Issues

- Rapid substructure construction a greater challenge than that of rapid superstructure
- An overview of rapid substructure construction
- Design of precast substructure elements
- Substructure construction techniques using SPMT units
- Case studies of prefabricated sustructures
- Additional bridges with precast concrete substructures
- FHWA listed bridges with prefabricated structures
- ABC alternative contracting methods
- Construction specifications and details for accelerated completion
- Precast structure elements guidelines
- Important sheet checklists
- Tookkit of innovative design for rapid bridge renewal
- Environmental issues with ABC
- Conclusions

Chapter 10 Alternative ABC Methods And Funding Evaluation

- Priority needs and replacement costs
- Study of traffic volume,traffic counts and traffic maps
- Structural perfomance of existing bridges
- Review of infraestructure health by FHWA and ASCE
- ABC application in asset management
- Evaluating the condition of state bridges and funding
- Need for timely project funding
- Value engineering goals in ABC
- Policy making and scope of ABC reconstruction
- Innovative techniques and new applications
- Conclusions

Chapter 11 A Review Of Chapters, River Bridges And Conclusions

- Introduction to chapter 11 Part 1
- Part 2
- Coordination with highway maintenance schelude
- ABC applications for bridges located on rivers
- Planning of bridge over rivers
- Issues of scour-critical bridges
- Rapid repairs and replacement of bridges on rivers
- Procedures for scour-related accelerated rehabilitation
- Scour countermeasures for new bridges
- Case studies and ABC research
- Conclusions
- Future deployment of ABC
- Literature review/aknowledgements

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