Dam authorities,owners,engineers and academics recognize the needs for permanent effort in order to guarantee a high level of safety against dam accidents and incidents as well as to protect human lives against abnormal floods in the valleys.
Dam authorities,owners,engineers and academics recognize the needs for permanent effort in order to guarantee a high level of safety against dam accidents and incidents as well as to protect human lives against abnormal floods in the valleys.New methodoligies are under development,involving both engineering and social sciences,within an integrated concept of valley risk management.A NATO workshop was held in Lisbon,Portugal to discuss these issues.Invited speakers from different countries presented their experiences and research works.These contributions constitute the core of the book published for the benefit of all interested in dam safety and risk management.
Dams and valleys safety: A present and future challenge by A. Betamio de Almeida and T. Viseu
Dams and safety management at downstream valleys by E. J. Plate
The use of performance parameters in monitoring the safety of dams by C. J. Veesaert
Dams and flood risks by F. Lemperiere
Optimization of available resources for dam safety by R. Martins and T. Viseu
On risk perception and cost negotiation for downstream valleys by L. Valadares Tavares
Dam-break studies in Italy by L. Natale
Potential downstream risk assessment in Spanish dam safety legislation by J. Penas
Risk versus standard based approaches to dam safety: The consequences for community involvement in decision making and safety management in the Australian context by G. J. Syme
Dam failure versus flood risk perception by M. L. Lima
Social sciences involvement in dams and safety management of downstream valleys: A first approach to Arade and Funcho's dam break flood risk perception by D. Sousa e Silva
Positive illusions related to dam risks by S. A. Silva and M. L. Lima
Land use management and dam break flood risk: The Arade River case study by V. Campos and P. Farrajota
Detection and assessment of dambreak-scenarios by K. Kast and A. Bieberstein
One and two-dimensional modelling of a dam-break flood propagation on a complex natural valley: A case study by A. Bento Franco and A. Betamio de Almeida
GIS-based floodplain management in urban developing areas by F. N. Correia and M. G. Saraiva and F. N. Silva
Creating a land use management decision support system for areas subject to dam break flood risk by P. Farrajota and V. Campos
A GIS for dam and valley safety management by M. Gamboa and M. A. Santos