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Structural analysis of historical constructions 2 vol



This book includes extended versions of the conferences presented at the International Seminar on structural Analysis of historical Constructions held in Barcelona on November 8-10, 1995. The text has been carefully prepared by a selection of prestigious authors with the aim to providing updated information on the possibilities of the available techniques for inspection


  • ISBN: 8487867669
  • Páginas: 760
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 1997

Disponibilidad: Inmediata

Contenido Structural analysis of historical constructions 2 vol

This book includes extended versions of the conferences presented at the International Seminar on structural Analysis of historical Constructions held in Barcelona on November 8-10, 1995. The text has been carefully prepared by a selection of prestigious authors with the aim to providing updated information on the possibilities of the available techniques for inspection, analysis and repair of historical constructions. In addition, an important simultaneous attempt is made to introduce the reader to the more conceptual and methodological aspects involved in the analysis and intervention on the ancient monuments. The content of the book will be useful for architects and engineers interested in a deep understanding of the structural performance of historical constructions in order to define a truly effective, although fully respectful, strategy for intervention and repair. It is expected that the gathering of the opinions and the presentation of the different practical cases selected in this book will contribute to develop the criteria needed to lay-out future activities in this field.



The structural analysis in the method of monumental restoration
A. Gonzalez

General methodology. The combined use of experimental and numerical techniques inside a single study

Possibilities of the experimental techniques for the structural analysis of historical constructions

Experimental techniques for auscultation of historical constructions
Astudillo Pastor,R.

The testing,analysis and assessment of masonry arch bridges

Characterization of the mechanical behaviour of mansory
C.Molins Borrell

Structural aspects of the rehabilitation of the Mexico City Cathedral
R. Meli

The Angkor’s temples in Cambodia: Preliminary structural studies and strategy of intervention,

The Colosseum: Safety evaluation and preliminary criteria of intervention,
G. Croci.

Analysis, diagnosis and preservation of ancient monuments: The St.Mark´s Basilica in Venice,
F. Mola and R. Vitaliani.

Structural analysis and durability assessment of historical constructions using a Finite Element Damage Model,
E. Oñate, A. Hanganu, A. Barbat, S. Oller, R. Vitaliani, A. Saetta.

Charles Bridge in Prague,
D. Novák and J. Zák.

Ancient domes on Spain

Una proposta di restauro per la colonna di Marco Aureli,
A. Giuffrè

The spires of Burgos Catherdral

Roman aqueduct of Segovia
Jurado Jimenez

Structural intervention for the rehabilitation of “Las Golfas de la Pedrera”
R. Brufau

Previous studies of the Casa de los Botines de León,
J.L. González. .

Studies of Gaudi´s “Cripta de la Colonia Güel”
P. Roca


Mechanical behaviour of arches and vaults,
J. Heyman

High Gothic Cathedral Structure: Critique of the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca
R. Mark;

The importance of earthquake -The case of the Comares Tower in the Alhambra Palace of Granada,
M.A. Astiz

Problems related to the original conception -The case of Pavia Cathedral
Giorgio Macchi

Experimental and numerical issues in the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of masonry
P.B. Lou

Numerical simulation of the ultimate response of arch bridges

Climent Molins

Non-destructive techniques and system identification applied to historical constructions,
A. Napp

Inspection techniques for ancient wooden structures,
Nicola Macchioni

Surveillance and monitoring of ancient structures: Recent developments,
P. Rossi and C. Rossi

Intervention and repair techniques in wooden ancient structures
C. Bertolini Cestari

Understanding historical structures: Gaudí and the Palau Güell
J.L. González

Analysis of the structure of Gothic Cathedrals. Application to Barcelona Cathedral,
P. Roca, L. Pellegrini, E. Oñate and A. Hanganu

Examples of intervention in ancient constructions, Luigia Binda and C. Modena

Monitoring differential settlement and thermal movement at Washington National Cathedral,
R. Mark;

The collapses occurred in the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi and in the Cathedral of Noto
G. Croci

Saint Mary's Cathedral in Vitoria. Study of its structure and restoration proposals,
L.Cámara and P. Latorre;

The surveillance of Brunelleschis Dome in Florence,
A. Chiarugi, S.G. Morano and G. Bartoli

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