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Recommendations on Excavations



With the issue of these recommendations, which have the character of a standard, the "Building Excavations" working group of the German Geotechnics Association (DGGT) aims to provide assistance with the design and structural calculation of excavation support works.


  • ISBN: 978-3-433-03036-3
  • Páginas: 324
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2013

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Recommendations on Excavations

With the issue of these recommendations, which have the character of a standard, the "Building Excavations" working group of the German Geotechnics Association (DGGT) aims to provide assistance with the design and structural calculation of excavation support works.
The introduction of the Eurocodes for building control purposes made necessary a revision of the previous edition of the recommendations to comply with the requirements of DIN EN 1997-1:2009 together with the national annex DIN 1997-1/NA:2010-12 and the supplementary regulations of DIN 1054:2010-12. All recommendations were thoroughly checked, revised where necessary and adapted to new knowledge. Chapter 10 "Building excavations in water" was substantially revised. Due to the progress of development of measurement instruments and the more stringent requirements, Chapter 14 "Instrumentation for the monitoring and supervision of building excavation support works" was formulated completely anew.

The recommendations of the working group "Building Excavations" should be of assistance,

- to simplify the design and structural calculation of excavation support works,
- to harmonise loading assumptions and calculation procedures,
- to ensure the structural stability of excavation support works and their individual elements and
- to improve the cost-effectiveness of excavation support works.

Table of Contents

Members of the Working Group for Excavations 


Notes for the User

1 Introduction

1.1 Engineering prerequisites for applying the Recommendations (R l)  
1.2 Governing regulations (R 76)  
1.3 Safety factor approach (R 77)   
1.4 Limit states (R 78)
1.5 Support of retaining walls (R 67)
1.6 Planning and examination of excavations (R 106)  

2 Analysis principles

2.1 Actions (R 24)  
2.2 Determination of soil properties (R 2)  
2.3 Earth pressure angle (R 89)   
2.4 Partial safety factors (R 79)  
2.5 General requirements for adopting live loads (R 3)
2.6 Live loads from road and rail traffic (R 55)
2.7 Live loads from site traffic and site operations (R 56) 
2.8 Live loads from excavators and lifting equipment (R 57) 

3 Magnitude and distribution of earth pressure

3.1 Magnitude of earth pressure as a function of the selected construction method (R 8)
3.2 Magnitude of total active earth pressure lead without surcharge loads (R 4)  
3.3 Distribution of active earth pressure without surcharges (R 5) 
3.4 Magnitude of total active earth pressure lead from live loads (R 6)   
3.5 Distribution of active earth pressure from live loads (R 7) 
3.6 Superimposing earth pressure components with surcharges (R 71) 
3.7 Determination of at-rest earth pressure (R 18)
3.8 Earth pressure in retreating states (R 68)  

4 General stipulations for analysis  

4.1 Stability analysis (R 81)  
4.2 General information on analysis methods (R 11)  
4.3 Determination and analysis of embedment depth (R 80) 
4.4 Determination of action effects (R 82)  
4.5 Modulus of subgrade reaction method (R 102)  
4.6 Finite-element method (R 103)  
4.7 Analysis of the vertical component of the mobilised passive earth pressure (R 9) 
4.8 Analysis of the transfer of vertical forces into the subsurface (R 84)
4.9 Stability analyses for braced excavations in special cases (R 10) 
4.10 Serviceability analysis (R 83)
4.11 Allowable simplifications in limit states GEO 2 or STR (R 104) 

5 Analysis approaches for soldier pile walls

5.1 Determination of load models for soldier pile walls (R 12) 
5.2 Pressure diagrams for supported soldier pile walls (R 69)
5.3 Soil reactions and passive earth pressure for soldier pile walls with free earth supports (R 14)  
5.4 Fixed earth support for soldier pile walls (R 25) 
5.5 Equilibrium of horizontal forces for soldier pile walls (R 15) 

6 Analysis approaches for sheet pile walls and in-situ concrete walls   

6.1 Determination of load models for sheet pile walls and in-situ concrete walls (R 16) 
6.2 Pressure diagrams for supported sheet pile walls and in-situ concrete walls (R 70)  
6.3 Ground reactions and passive earth pressure for sheet pile walls and in-situ concrete walls with free earth support (R 19) 
6.4 Fixed earth support for sheet pile walls and in-situ concrete walls (R 26) 

7 Anchored retaining walls   

7.1 Magnitude and distribution of earth pressure for anchored retaining walls (R 42)
7.2 Analysis of force transfer from anchors to the ground (R 43) 112
7.3 Verification of stability at the lower failure plane (R 44) 
7.4 Analysis of overall stability (R 45)  
7.5 Measures to counteract deflections in anchored retaining walls (R 46) 

8 Excavations with special ground plans

8.1 Excavations with circular plan (R 73) 
8.2 Excavations with oval plan (R 74)
8.3 Excavations with rectangular plan (R 75)  

9 Excavations adjacent to structures  

9.1 Engineering measures for excavations adjacent to structures (R 20) 
9.2 Analysis of retaining walls with active earth pressure for excavations adjacent to structures (R 21)
9.3 Active earth pressure for large distances to structures (R 28)
9.4 Active earth pressure for small distances to structures (R 29)
9.5 Analysis of retaining walls with increased active earth pressure (R 22)
9.6 Analysis of retaining walls with at-rest earth pressure (R 23)
9.7 Mutual influence of opposing retaining walls for excavations adjacent to structures (R 30) 

10 Excavations in water

10.1 General remarks on excavations in water (R 58)  
10.2 Flow forces (R 59)
10.3 Dewatered excavations (R 60) 
10.4 Analysis of hydraulic heave safety (R 61)
10.5 Analysis of buoyancy safety (R 62)
10.6 Stability analysis of retaining walls in water (R 63) 
10.7 Design and construction of excavations in water (R 64) 
10.8 Water management (R 65)   
10.9 Monitoring excavations in water (R 66)

11 Excavations in unstable rock mass  

11.1 General recommendations for excavation in unstable rock mass (R 38)
11.2 Magnitude of rock mass pressure (R 39) 
11.3 Distribution of rock pressure (R 40) 
11.4 Bearing capacity of rock mass for support forces at the embedment depth (R 41)

12 Excavations in soft soils  

12.1 Scope of Recommendations R 91 to R 101 (R 90)  
12.2 Slopes in soft soils (R 91)   
12.3 Wall types in soft soils (R 92) 
12.4 Construction procedure in soft soils (R 93)
12.5 Shear strength of soft soils (R 94)
12.6 Earth pressure on retaining walls in soft soils (R 95)
12.7 Ground reactions for retaining walls in soft soils (R 96)
12.8 Water pressure in soft soils (R 97)
12.9 Determination of embedment depths and action effects for excavations in soft soils (R 98) 
12.10 Additional stability analyses for excavations in soft soils (R 99)
12.11 Water management for excavations in soft soils (R 100)
12.12 Serviceability of excavation structures in soft soils (R 101)

13 Analysis of the bearing capacity of structural elements

13.1 Material parameters and partial safety factors for structural element resistances (R 88)  
13.2 Bearing capacity of soldier pile infilling (R 47) 
13.3 Bearing capacity of soldier piles (R 48)  
13.4 Bearing capacity of sheet piles (R 49)  
13.5 Bearing capacity of in-situ concrete walls (R 50)
13.6 Bearing capacity of waling (R 51)
13.7 Bearing capacity of struts (R 52)  
13.8 Bearing capacity of trench lining (R 53) 
13.9 Bearing capacity of provisional bridges and excavation covers (R 54)
13.10 External bearing capacity of soldier piles, sheet pile walls and in-situ concrete walls (R 85) 
13.11 Bearing capacity of tension piles and ground anchors (R 86)

14 Measurements and monitoring on excavation structures

14.1 Purpose of measurements and monitoring (R 31) 
14.2 Measurands and measuring methods (R 32)
14.3 Measurement planning (R 33)  
14.4 Location of measuring points (R 34)  
14.5 Carrying out measurements and forwarding measurement results (R 35) 
14.6 Evaluation and documentation of measurement results (R 36)


A 1: Relative density of cohesionless soils 
A 2: Consistency of cohesive soils  
A 3: Soil properties of cohesionless soils
A 4: Soil properties of cohesive soils 
A 5: Geotechnical categories of excavations
A 6: Partial safety factors for geotechnical variables  
A 7: Material properties and partial safety factors for concrete and reinforced concrete structural elements
A 8: Material properties and partial safety factors for steel structural elements  
A 9: Material properties and partial safety factors for wooden structural elements   
A 10: Empirical values for skin friction and base resistance of sheet pile walls 

Terms and notation
Geometrical variables  
Subsoil and soil parameters
Earth pressure and passive earth pressure
Further loads, forces and action effects   

Analyses using the partial safety factor approach  


Recommendations in numerical order

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