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Concrete and Sustainability



Concrete is by far the most common building material— accounting for twice the volume of all other such materials combined. With such a huge global economic impact, the industry has a correspondingly considerable responsibility to use it sustainably. Written by experts who pioneered research into environmental issues and concrete, Concrete and Sustainability examines the sustainability issues of the world’s main construction material and proposes attainable solutions. It provides a complete overview of the topic and tackles the complexity of the challenges from different angles.


  • ISBN: 978-1-46-659249-0
  • Páginas: 462
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2013

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Concrete and Sustainability

Concrete is by far the most common building material— accounting for twice the volume of all other such materials combined. With such a huge global economic impact, the industry has a correspondingly considerable responsibility to use it sustainably. Written by experts who pioneered research into environmental issues and concrete, Concrete and Sustainability examines the sustainability issues of the world’s main construction material and proposes attainable solutions. It provides a complete overview of the topic and tackles the complexity of the challenges from different angles.

This book offers new data regarding the social and economic importance of concrete and proposes a discussion centered on a holistic approach in terms of resource availability, technical viability, economic feasibility, and environmental compatibility. The authors attribute a growing worldwide concern and understanding of sustainability issues, and an increased focus on climate change as the catalyst in this process. Instead of offering detailed technical advice or recommendations on sustainable issues, they provide examples showcasing sustainability efforts taking place in the concrete environment worldwide. The book includes examples and ideas for solutions from a large number of countries from across the globe.

It presents a holistic and more complete overview of the emission and absorption topic, takes a look at the challenges from a combined old and new world viewing platform and offers an exploration of issues from a social and economic perspective. Concrete and Sustainability details the various rules and regulations that the industry is facing, discusses the various environmental challenges, and explores its impact. As emission, absorptions, and recycling have been the most central elements of discussion in the cement and concrete environment so far, these topics each receive their own chapters. This book also discusses other issues of concern within the various platforms in the industry, as well as future developments, and provides a comprehensive reference list.



The Economical Impact of Concrete

Concrete and Social Progress

Environmental Issues

Global/Regional/Local Aspects

Rating Systems

Evaluation Systems/Tools

ISO Methodology/Standards

Variation in Focus


Emissions and Absorptions


CO Emission from Cement and Concrete Production

Emission of Other Greenhouse Gases


The Tools and Possible Actions

Variation in Focus

Focus: Lifetime Expectancy Perspective

Some Conclusions


Recycling of Concrete

Recycling of Other Materials as Aggregate in Concrete

Recycling of Other Materials as Reinforcement in Concrete

Recycling of Other Materials as Binders in Concrete

Recycling of Cement Kiln Dust (CKD)

The Environmental Challenges—Other Items

Aggregate Shortage?


Energy Savings



Noise Pollution





New Possibilities and Challenges

Small Hydroelectric Power Stations


New Raw Materials/Low Energy and Low CO2 Cements

New Concrete Products and Components

The Future



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