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Protection of Earth Slopes of Hydraulic Structures



The monograph is based on wide ranging experimental and theoretical studies and result of expeditions spread over several years.Full scale investigations on stationary objects were conducted on specially constructed bank protection measures and stations equipped with unique instrumentation for hydrometeorogical investigation of lake type waves.Since the publication of the Russian edition of the book,new,more accurate data,which enhances the reliabily of the engineering recomentations has been obtained


  • ISBN: 9054101768
  • Páginas: 484
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 1997

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Contenido Protection of Earth Slopes of Hydraulic Structures

The monograph is based on wide ranging experimental and theoretical studies and result of expeditions spread over several years.Full scale investigations on stationary objects were conducted on specially constructed bank protection measures and stations equipped with unique instrumentation for hydrometeorogical  investigation of lake type waves.Since the publication of  the Russian edition of the book,new,more accurate data,which enhances the reliabily of the engineering recomentations has been obtained
The main feature of the book is that the design of slope protection measures has been dealt with by considering a wige range
of variation of the elements constituting a storm effect ( irregular wind waves ) accompained by an analysis of the limiting strength,deformation and other states of the structures. This has been  achieved by applying new methods of calculating the affect of ice and other factors and applying generalised data relating to construction and maintenance of slope protection  measures under different conditions of service.
Attention has also been devoted to engineering estimation of the causes and consequences of damage to protection
measures.This is a problem  of topical interest becase there are no clearly defined criteria  of assessing the hazard rating of various effects on the performance of structures,including the life of the materials  used in construction.
The book contains recommendations on determination of initial data for various possible design of the protection measures
The book is meant for scientists,engineers and designers working in the fields of hydraulic engineering,construction of bank
protection measures engineering ecology and for personnel associated with maintenance of bank protection structures



1.     Field of application,construction details and design considerations for protection measures of slopes

1.1.  Use of protection measures at reservoirs for safety of embankment slopes against water erosion
1.2   Structural elements of protection measures and main types of protective covering layers
1.3   Continuous protective covers from cast in place reinforced concrete
1.4   Continuous protective covers from grouted precast reinforced concrete slabs
1.5   Discontinuous protective covers from precast reinforced concrete slabs
1.6   Protective covers form stone riprap
1.7   Beddings for protective covers
1.8   Supports and parapets of slope protection measures
1.9   Conditions of application of various  types of protective covers
1.10 General design considerations for slope protection measures

2.     Operating conditions and data for design of slope protection measures depending on wind and wave conditions and reservoir level regime

2.1   Important factors influencing operating conditions of slope protection measures
2.2   Forecasting wind and wave conditions at reservoirs
2.3   Design parameters of irregular wind disturbance at reservoirs

3     Service conditions and design data for slope protection measures depending on winter regimes of reservoirs  temperature and corrosive effects of water,ice and soil and geotechnical characteristics of the base

3.1 Ice regimes and physical and mechanical properties of ice in reservoirs
3.2 Temperature regimes of protection measures and their bases
3.3 Aggresive effects of water on protection
3.4 Important requirements of construction materials of protection measures based on aggressivenes of the medium
      and durability of protection
3.5 Analysis of the conditions of bases of slope protection measures
3.5.1 Geotechnical characteristics and hydrogeological regimes of slopes bases
3.5.2 Requirements of general stability os slopes
3.5.3 General problems of dynamics of bases of slope protection measures
3.5.4 Local deformations of the bases os slope protection measures
3.5. Prediction of local dynamic consolidation of soil of bases of slope protection measures
   3.5.1 Geotechnical characteristics and hydrogological regimes of slope
   3.5.2 Requirements of general stability of slopes
   3.5.3 General problems of dynamics of bases of slope protection measures
   3.5.4 Local deformations of the bases of slope protection measures
   3.5.5.Prediction of local dynamic consolidation of soil of bases of slope protection measures


4  Boundaries of protection measures of slopes under irregular disturbance

4.1. Classification of protection measures based on slope height
4.2  Determination of lower boundary of light protection near the slope toe
4.3. Determination of intermidiate boundaries of slope protection measures
4.4. Determination of upper boundary of the main slope protection
4.5  Calculation of height of run-up of system of irregular waves on slopes for determining the upper boundary of protection
4.6  Some construction measures for reducing height of run-up of waves on protected slopes

5  Design of bedding of protective covers

5.1  Initial conditiosn for design of beddings of discontinuous covering layers of protection
5.2  Seepage processes in beddings of discontinuous covering layers under wave action
5.3  Main results of full-scale studies on beddings of discontinous covering layers
5.4  Analysis of results of investigations of grain-size distribution in beddings of discontinuous covering
5.5  Determination of grain-size distribution in single-layer beddings of discontinuous covering layers
5.6  Determination of grain-size distribution in single-layer beddings of discontinuous covering layers
5.7  Determination of thickness of beddings of covering layers

6  Ice loads on slope protection measures and their estimation

6.1. Design loads on slope protection due to ice cover
6.2  Load due to continuous ice cover adhering to slope protection during water-level fluctuactions
6.3  Analysis of stability of slope protection measures under ice loads
6.4  Design of covering layers for strength under ice loads


7  Hydrodynamic loads on covering layers under irregular fluctuations

7.1  Hydrodynamic loads considered in the design of slope protection measures
7.2  Factors governing hydrodynamic loads on slope protection measures
7.3  Formulation of experimental studies on dynamic storm loads acting on slope protection measures
7.4  Dynamic storm loads on external surface on covering layer due to crashing of irregular waves
7.5  Hydrodynamic uplift loads on continuous protective covers under irregular wave distubances
7.6  Dynamic uplift storm loads on continuous covering layers of slabs of slabs under irregular disturbances
7.7  Results of additional investigations into storm loads on external surfaces of concrete covering layers of slope
       protection measured under irregular disturbance

8     Design of continuous reinforced concrete protective covers

8.1  Computations involved in design of continuous reinforced concrete covering layers
8.2  Design of continuous protective covering layer for overall stability under hydrodynamic uplitt loads
8.3  Design of continuous protective covering layer for strength under hydrodynamic uplitt loads
8.4  Design of continuous protective covering layer for strength under dymanic storm load acting in the zone
       of disintegration of irregular waves
8.5  Design of continuous protective covering layer for deformations under hydrodynamic uplift loads

9     Design of discontinuous reinforced concrete protective covering layers

9.1. Computations involved in design of discontinuous reiforced concrete covering layers
9.2  Design of individual slabs of discontinuous reinforced concrete covering layers for stability under hydrodynamic
       uplitt load
9.3  Design of precast reinforced concrete slabs of covering layers for strength under non-uniform settlement of base
       due to assembly and transportation

10   Design of stone covering layers for slope protection measures

10.1 Types of covering layers of slope.Fundamental concepts and computations involved in the desing
10.2 Structure and composition of slope riprap of unsorted stone for covering layers of slope protection measures
10.3 Effect of hydraulic factors on elements of stone riprap of unsorted stone in covering layer of slope protection measures
10.4 Calculation of stone size used in stone riprap of unsorted  stone for covering layers of slope protection
10.5 Restructuring under wave action.Design of prolife and calculation of thickness of stone riprap
10.6 Design check of covering layer of stone riprap under uprooting effect of ice load

11    Examples of damage to slope protection measures during service period of a structure

11.1 Main factors causing damage to protection measures
11.2 Damage to protection measures due to waves
11.3 Damage to protection measures due to fluctuations in reservoirs water level and groundwater level
11.4 Damage to protection measures due to non-uniform settlement of soil base
11.5 Corrosion of materials used in protection measures under the aggessive effect of water,air and soils
11.6 Damage to protection measures due to unsatisfactory quality of construction    

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