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Slope Stability Analysis and Stabilization.New Methods and Insight



Includes Recommendations for Analysis, Design Practice, Design Charts, Tables, and More Using a unified approach to address a medley of engineering and construction problems, Slope Stability Analysis and Stabilization: New Methods and Insight, Second Edition provides helpful practical advice and design resources for the practicing engineer.


  • ISBN: 978-1-46-658283-5
  • Páginas: 438
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Español
  • Año: 2014

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Slope Stability Analysis and Stabilization.New Methods and Insight

Includes Recommendations for Analysis, Design Practice, Design Charts, Tables, and More

Using a unified approach to address a medley of engineering and construction problems, Slope Stability Analysis and Stabilization: New Methods and Insight, Second Edition provides helpful practical advice and design resources for the practicing engineer. This text examines a range of current methods for the analysis and design of slopes, and details the limitations of both limit equilibrium and the finite element method in the assessment of the stability of a slope. It also introduces a variety of alternative approaches for overcoming numerical non-convergence and the location of critical failure surfaces in two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases.

What’s New in the Second Edition:

This latest edition builds on the concepts of the first edition and covers the case studies involved in slope stability analysis in greater detail. The book adds a chapter on the procedures involved in performing limit equilibrium analysis, as well as a chapter on the design and construction practice in Hong Kong. It includes more examples and illustrations on the distinct element of slope, the relation between limit equilibrium and plasticity theory, the fundamental connections between slope stability analysis and the bearing capacity problem, as well as the stability of the three-dimensional slope under patch load conditions.

    Addresses new concepts in three-dimensional stability analysis, finite element analysis, and the extension of slope stability problems to lateral earth pressure problems
    Offers a unified approach to engineering and construction problems, including slope stability, bearing capacity, and earth pressure behind retaining structures
    Emphasizes how to translate the conceptual design conceived in the design office into physical implementation on site in a holistic way
    Discusses problems that were discovered during the development of associated computer programs

This text assesses the fundamental assumptions and limitations of stability analysis methods and computer modelling, and benefits students taking an elective course on slope stability, as well as geotechnical engineering professionals specializing in slope stability

Dr. YM Cheng has an interest in research work in slope stability: unification of 2D methods, location of critical 2D failure surfaces, 3D slope stability analysis, location of critical 3D failure surfaces, development of slope stability software SLOPE2000 and SLOPE3D, unification of lateral earth pressure and slope stability problems, convergence problems in slope stability analysis, field tests of steel, GFRP, CFRP bars and tubes soil nails in Hong Kong, numerical modelling of soil nail pull out tests, finite element analysis of slope stability, and distinct element analysis of slope stability analysis.

Dr. C.K. Lau obtained his PhD from Cambridge University, studying geotechnical engineering under Prof. M. Bolton. He is a past chairman of Geotechnical Division, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, specializing in the design and construction of slope stabilization works in Hong Kong. His research interests include slope stability, slip line analysis, and bearing capacity.



Closed-form solutions
Engineering judgment
Ground model
Status quo
Ground investigation
Design parameters
Groundwater regime
Design methodology
Case histories

Basic slope stability analysis methods

Slope stability analysis: limit equilibrium method
Miscellaneous considerations on slope stability analysis
Limit analysis method
Rigid element method
Relation between the REM and the slice-based approach
Uses of design figures and tables for simple problems
Finite element method
Distinct element method
Location of critical failure surface, convergence and advanced formulations
Difficulties in locating the critical failure surface
Generation of trial failure surface
Global optimization methods
Verification of the global minimization algorithms
Presence of Dirac function
Numerical studies of the efficiency and effectiveness of various optimization algorithms
Sensitivity of global optimization parameters in the performance of the global optimization methods
Convexity of critical failure surface
Lateral earth pressure determination from slope stability analysis
Convergence problem due to iterative solution of FOS
Importance of the methods of analysis
Solution of the inter-slice force function and fundamental investigation into the problem of convergence
Variable FOS formulation in LEM
Use of internal/external variables in slope stability analysis and relation of slope stability problem to other geotechnical problems
Finite-element methods for slope stability analysis and comparisons with limit equilibrium analysis
Comparisons between SRM and LEM
Stability analysis for a simple and homogeneous soil slope using LEM and SRM
Stability analysis of a slope with a soft band
Local minimum in LEM
Effect of water on slope stability analysis
Soil  nailed slopes by SRM and LEM
Stabilization of slope with piles using SRM
Discussion and conclusion

Three-dimensional slope stability analysis

Limitations of the classical three dimensional limit equilibrium methods
New formulation for D slope stability analysis: Bishop, Janbu simplified, Morgenstern–Price by Cheng and Yip
Three-dimensional limit analysis
Location of general critical non-spherical D failure surface
Case studies in D limit equilibrium global optimization analysis
Effect of curvature on FOS
Three-dimensional SRM analysis


FRP nail
Construction difficulties

Routine assessment of feature and design of landslip preventive measures

Geotechnical assessment
Desk study
Aerial photograph interpretation and ground-truthing
GI and field testing
Laboratory testing
Man-made features
Rainfall records
Groundwater regime
Stability assessment of the existing feature
Design of landslip preventive works
Soil nailing
Soil nailing in loose fill
Surface and sub-soil drainage
Surface erosion control and landscaping
Site supervision during implementation
Corrosiveness assessment
Precautionary measures and other considerations
Long-term maintenance

Numerical implementation of slope stability analysis methods

Numerical procedures for simplified limit equilibrium methods
Numerical procedures for "rigorous" limit equilibrium methods
Three-dimensional analysis




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