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Rainfall-Induced Soil Slope Failure: Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Assessment



Rainfall-induced landslides are common around the world. With global climate change, their frequency is increasing and the consequences are becoming greater. Previous studies assess them mostly from the perspective of a single discipline


  • ISBN: 9780367139018
  • Páginas: 374
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2019

Disponibilidad: 24 horas

Contenido Rainfall-Induced Soil Slope Failure: Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Assessment

• Combines a range of approaches to present a reasoned and systematic way of analyzing rainfall-induced landslides

• Accounts for the coupling between pore water and the soil skeleton

• Presents a method for model calibration of slopes based on time varied field monitoring data


Rainfall-induced landslides are common around the world. With global climate change, their frequency is increasing and the consequences are becoming greater. Previous studies assess them mostly from the perspective of a single discipline—correlating landslides with rainstorms, geomorphology and hydrology in order to establish a threshold prediction value for rainfall-induced landslides; analyzing the slope’s stability using a geomechanical approach; or assessing the risk from field records.

Rainfall Induced Soil Slope Failure: Stability Analysis and Probabilistic Assessment integrates probabilistic approaches with the geotechnical modeling of slope failures under rainfall conditions with unsaturated soil. It covers theoretical models of rainfall infiltration and stability analysis, reliability analysis based on coupled hydro-mechanical modelling, stability of slopes with cracks, gravels and spatial heterogenous soils, and probabilistic model calibration based on measurement. It focuses on the uncertainties involved with rainfall-induced landslides and presents state-of-the art techniques and methods which characterize the uncertainties and quantify the probabilities and risk of rainfall-induced landslide hazards.

Additionally, the authors cover:

• The failure mechanisms of rainfall-induced slope failure

• Commonly used infiltration and stability methods

• The infiltration and stability of natural soil slopes with cracks and colluvium materials

• Stability evaluation methods based on probabilistic approaches

• The effect of spatial variability on unsaturated soil slopes and more
Table of Contents


Slope Failures under Rainfall and Failure Mechanisms
Recent Advances and Hot Research Topics
Outline of the Book

Infiltration and Seepage Analysis in Soil Slopes

Estimation of Infiltration Rate Based on Conceptual Model
Seepage Analysis in Unsaturated Soil Slopes Based on Physical Governing Equation
Analytical Solutions of the Richards Equation
Numerical Analysis of the Richards Equation
Typical Pore-Water Pressure Profiles under Rainfall Condition
Soil Conditions under Which Matric Suction Can Be Maintained

Stability Analysis of Slope Under Rainfall Infiltration Based on Limit Equilibrium

Infinite-Slope Stability Analysis Based on 1D Infiltration Profile
Slope Stability Analysis Based on Limit Equilibrium Methods
Controlling Factors for Rainfall-Induced Landslides
Spatially Distributed Model of Hazard Assessment of Rainfall-Induced Landslides

Coupled Hydromechanical Analysis for Unsaturated Soil Slope

Modeling of Unsaturated Soil Based on Continuity Mechanics
Slope Stability Analysis Based on Coupled Modeling
Illustrative Examples

Stability of Soil Slope with Cracks

Prediction of Unsaturated Hydraulic Functions of Cracked Soil
Stability of Soil Slope with Cracks

Stability Analysis of Colluvium Slopes upon a Rainstorm

Hydraulic Properties of Colluvial Soils
Shear Strength of Colluvial Soils
An Example

Reliability Analysis of Slope under Rainfall

Fundamental Concept of Reliability
Reliability Methods and Applications on Slope Stability
Uncertainties of Soil Properties
Effects of Uncertainty of Hydraulic Properties on Infiltration and Slope Stability
Reliability Analysis of Rainfall-Induced Slope Failure: An Example of the Sau Mau Ping Landslide
Quantitative Risk Assessment of Landslide and Risk Acceptance Criteria

Probabilistic Assessment of Random Heterogeneous Soil Slopes

Spatial Variability of Soils
Random Field Theory
Modeling of Random Field
Seepage and Stability of a Random Heterogeneous Slope under Rainfall Infiltration

Probabilistic Model Calibration

Probabilistic Model Calibration within Bayesian Framework
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Method
Procedures for Probabilistic Model Calibration and Prediction
Example 1: A Cut Slope Failure
Example 2: Lai Ping Road Landslide
Example 3: An Instrumented Site of Natural Terrain in Hong Kong

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