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Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables



This practical handbook of properties for soils and rock contains in a concise tabular format the key issues relevant to geotechnical investigations, assessments and designs in common practice. There are brief notes on the application of the tables. These data tables are compiled for experienced geotechnical professionals who require a reference document to access key information


  • ISBN: 9781138001398
  • Páginas: 418
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation and Design Tables

This practical handbook of properties for soils and rock contains in a concise tabular format the key issues relevant to geotechnical investigations, assessments and designs in common practice. There are brief notes on the application of the tables. These data tables are compiled for experienced geotechnical professionals who require a reference document to access key information. There is an extensive database of correlations for different applications. The book should provide a useful bridge between soil and rock mechanics theory and its application to practical engineering solutions.

The initial chapters deal with the planning of the geotechnical investigation, the classification of the soil and rock properties and some of the more used testing is then covered. Later chapters show the reliability and correlations that are used to convert that data in the interpretative and assessment phase of the project. The final chapters apply some of these concepts to geotechnical design. The emphasis throughout is on application to practice.

This book is intended primarily for practicing geotechnical engineers working in investigation, assessment and design, but should provide a useful supplement for postgraduate courses. It evolved from the need to have a "go to" reference book which has both breadth and depth of information to apply immediately to projects. This was not possible, and to keep to a handbook size one has to compromise details to a few key dot points – but a comprehensive reference list provides the "appendix" for additional information if required. This 2nd edition keeps to that format but with updated information and adjustment from feedback since first published.



1. Site Investigation

2. Soil Classification

3. Rock Classification

4. Field Sampling and Testing

5. Soil Strength Parameters from Classification and Testing

6. Rock Strength Parameters from Classification and Testing

7. Soil Properties and State of the Soil

8. Permeability and its influence

9. Rock Properties

10.Material and Testing Variability

11. Deformation Parameters

12. Earthworks

13. Subgrades and Pavements

14. Slopes

15. Terrain Assessment, Drainage and Erosion

16. Geosynthetics

17. Fill Specifications

18. Rock Mass Classification Systems

19. Earth Pressures

20. Retaining Walls

21. Soil Foundations

22. Rock Foundations

23. Movements

Appendix – Loading

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