This book, intended for students of Architecture or structural engineering, addresses the basis of structural design according to procedures and provisions set in the Spanish Building Technical Code (CTE DB-SE & CTE DB SE-AE) and in the Code for Seismic Design of buildings (NCSE-02)
This book, intended for students of Architecture or structural engineering, addresses the basis of structural design according to procedures and provisions set in the Spanish Building Technical Code (CTE DB-SE & CTE DB SE-AE) and in the Code for Seismic Design of buildings (NCSE-02) Provisions and requirements specified in these Standards related to structural safety and serviceability, limit state analysis, actions on buildings and earthquake resistant design are included and explained. A collection of practical examples illustrates key points and clarifies the implementation of these Standards to the structural design of buildings All tables needed to follow every step of the process are provided in this manual
Chapter 1.The Spanish Building Codes
- Introduction
- The Spanish Technical Building Code
- Other Spanish building regulations
Chapter 2.Basis of structures design
- Introduction
- General
- Scope and assumptions
- Structural analysis and design
- General
- Limit States
- Ultimate Limit States (ULS)
- Serviceability Limit Sates
- Basic variables
- General
- Actions
- Classification of actions
- Characteristic value of and actions (Fk)
- Other representative values
- Dynamic actions
- Geometrical data
- Materials
- Verifications bases on partial coefficients
- General
- Verification of Load-bearing Capacity (ULS)
- Partial safety factors
- Combination of actions
- Ultimate Limit States (ULS)
- Serviceability Limit States (SLS)
- Practical examples
- Combination of actions for ultimate Limit States
Single family house
- Combination of action for servicebility limit states single
- Deformations
- Vertical deflections(beams and floors)
- Practical examples
- Vertical deflection in a simply supported beam
- Vertical deflection in a propped cantilever beam
- Relative deflection between any two points of the same floor
- Horizontal displacements
- Vibrations
Chapter 3. Actions of buildign structures
- Introduction
- General
- Scope
- Permanent loads
- Self weight
- Practical examples
- Self-weight of a linear structural element (kN/m)
- Self-weight of a horizontal surface element (kN/M2)
- Self-weight of a wall (kN/m2)
- Self-weight of the partitions(kNm2,kN/m)
- Transmission of the uniformly surface element(beam or column)
- Prestressing
- Geotechnical actions
- Variable loads
- Imposed loads
- Imposed loads reduction
- Imposed loads values
- Hand rails and partition loads
- Snow load
- Snow load model
- Snow load on the ground
- Roof shape coefficients
- Accumulation of snow
- Practical examples:Transmission of the uniforly surface
snow load (kN
- Snow load on the ground
- Roof shape coefficients
- Accumulation of snow
- Practical examples.Transmision of the uniformly surface
snow load (kn/m2) to a linear structural element (beam or column )
- Wind actions
- General
- Wind loads
- Basic velocity pressure or dynamic pressure qb
- Exposure factor
- Pressure coefficients for industrial building and
diaphanous constructions
- External pressure coefficient
- Practical example.Wind load in an industrial building
(or a diaphanous construction ) Distribution to the structural elements
- Therman actions
- Determination of the thermal actions
- Accidental actions
- Earthquake
- Fire
- Impact
- General
- Impact from vehicles
Chapter 4.Seismic actions.Earthquake-resistant design
- Introduction
- The spanish code for seismic design of building (NCSE 02 )
- General
- Scope
- Constructions classification
- Application criteria
- Seismic information
- Seismic hazard map Basic seismic ground acceleration
- Ground classification.Ground factor C
- Design seismic ground factor C
- Elastic response spectrun
- Elastic response spectrum modification according to damping
- Elastic response spectrum for vertical movements
- Analysis
- Masses to be considered in the analysis
- Actions to be considered in the analysis
- Verification of safety
- Design methods
- Simplified design method
- Structural Model
- Fundamental periods of buidings
- Response coefficient B
- Ductility factor
- Very high ductility (u-4 )
- High ductility (u-3)
- Low ductility ( u-2 )
- Whithout ductility (u-1 )
- Distribution factor
- Equivalent static seismic force (mode i )f
- Equivalent static seismic force (r modes )
- Accidental torsional effects
- Practical example.Equivalent statir seismic force system
- Design rules and construction requirement for building
- Introduction
- General design rules
- Building shape
- Masses distribution
- Structural elements
- Non-structural elements
- Joints between constructions
- Specific rules for Foundations
- Specific rules for masonry structures
- Specific rules for concrete structures
- Specific rules for steel structures
- Specific rules for other constructive elements
- Facades,partitions and others
- Handrails,parapets chimmenys and fences
- List of Spanish municipalities basic seismic ground acceleration and contribution